Autism and the Covid Vaccination: anyone been vaccinated?

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14 May 2021, 9:03 pm

Dear_one wrote:
^^ The vaccines are not perfect, and may be quickly losing the race against new variants. However, they do help. One of the worst things about Covid 19 is that a person can feel healthy, yet be spreading it to many others, some of whom will die, and others may have severe, lingering health issues.
Ordinarily, I am all for minimum government interference, but this is a case where the greatest good for the greatest number involves maximum vaccination rates. There are all kinds of reasons not to like how we got here, and who else is involved, but we are stuck with the situation like a flooded city. Whining about things won't clean the mud out.

Yes but if the vulnerable people are vaccinated then they're protected from getting too ill. If the vaccination won't make any difference whether a person dies or not from COVID then what's the point in the vaccines? And if the media didn't keep scaring the public by saying horror stories about the vaccines then maybe more people wouldn't refuse the vaccine.

A process that was supposed to take over 18 months but only took half that amount of time sounds like it was rushed to me. All the vaccinated people may be feeling all right now, but how do we know if the vaccine might cause long term effects that might start showing up in a years time? With all the conflicts that are going on in this f****d up world, it's hard to trust anything any more. There is always one country trying to kill another.



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14 May 2021, 9:08 pm

Joe90 wrote:
Well nobody should be made to be vaccinated. If some people want to be unprotected then that should be their choice, as long as the people who want to be protected are protected, then what's the problem?

In countries like the UK, putting yourself at risk of illness and death is a choice, which is why smoking still exists. People who smoke don't seem to mind increasing their chances of cancer and heart disease, while non-smokers choose to look after their body by not smoking. So the same goes for COVID. If you don't want to become ill or die from COVID, have the vaccine. If you want to put yourself at risk of getting ill from COVID then don't have the vaccine. If it was a choice, most people still will choose to get vaccinated.

And I'm sick and tired of this conversation:
-You must get the vaccine to protect yourself and other people!
--But other people will be protected if they choose to have the vaccine
-No they won't, as the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting the virus
--Then why are we all getting vaccinated then?
-Because it stops you from getting ill from COVID

To put it simply, Peter, Paul and Jane have all had their vaccines and so if they get the virus they will not become ill. John and Lucy chose not to have their vaccines but they are not putting Peter, Paul or Jane at risk because they are already protected from getting ill. John and Lucy are only at risk to each other but it was their choice.

And before someone here replies saying "why would you want to risk getting ill from COVID?" then try asking a smoker why they want to risk getting ill with lung cancer. Same difference, don't you see?

Democracy = choice, not dictatorship.

You need a certain percentage of the population to be vaccinated to control the disease. It is called herd immunity. If too few people are vaccinated, then the virus can continue to travel through the population and you will continue to have outbreaks. Because vaccination rates have dropped for other diseases because people are choosing not to have them, we are now seeing a resurgence in things like measles, which does kill. COVID is deadlier. We of cource are living in a world that have benefited from vaccines. Small pox and polio have been eradicated--they were very common and when vaccines were introduced, we had the same anti-vax sentiments and protests.

We do live in a democracy. And right now, COVID vaccines are not mandatory. You do not have to have a vaccine. That is your choice. No one is arguing that.

However, democracies do not mean you can simply do anything you want. In most countries, seat belts are mandatory. Also, there are bans on smoking indoors. There are hygiene laws to protect or food and water. All of these are public heath issues. Sometimes democracies need to look at the collective good over the individual.


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14 May 2021, 9:13 pm

Joe90 wrote:
Dear_one wrote:
^^ The vaccines are not perfect, and may be quickly losing the race against new variants. However, they do help. One of the worst things about Covid 19 is that a person can feel healthy, yet be spreading it to many others, some of whom will die, and others may have severe, lingering health issues.
Ordinarily, I am all for minimum government interference, but this is a case where the greatest good for the greatest number involves maximum vaccination rates. There are all kinds of reasons not to like how we got here, and who else is involved, but we are stuck with the situation like a flooded city. Whining about things won't clean the mud out.

Yes but if the vulnerable people are vaccinated then they're protected from getting too ill. If the vaccination won't make any difference whether a person dies or not from COVID then what's the point in the vaccines? And if the media didn't keep scaring the public by saying horror stories about the vaccines then maybe more people wouldn't refuse the vaccine.

A process that was supposed to take over 18 months but only took half that amount of time sounds like it was rushed to me. All the vaccinated people may be feeling all right now, but how do we know if the vaccine might cause long term effects that might start showing up in a years time? With all the conflicts that are going on in this f****d up world, it's hard to trust anything any more. There is always one country trying to kill another.

Can you point to a vaccine that was tested that had long term effects? Vaccines are one of are most effective and safe medical interventions we have.

BTW, when the pandemic started in the US in early 2020, the shortest deadline for a vaccine was in late 2020. So, the vaccine was actually developed at a normal pace. Flu vaccines are constantly being changed from year to year.


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14 May 2021, 10:36 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I know people here will say that getting COVID will be even more painful but judging by my good health I'll probably more likely to be asymptomatic if I did ever get COVID.

Plenty of previously healthy people have Long Haul COVID now, though =(

MrsPeel wrote:
Still waiting for mine *sigh*
Australia is lagging behind, I think

Well at least, last I looked, Australia seemed to be doing a pretty good job of keeping the virus at bay =)

Jiheisho wrote:
There is no reason not to get vaccinated and lots to get vaccinated...

Some of us are still extremely ill from COVID and are wary of what a vaccine that deliberately wasn't tested on us will do.
Also, we keep hearing conflicting reports...some doctors are saying Long Haulers shouldn't get any vaccine, some say we should avoid certain vaccines, some are saying we should only get one shot and not both...I'm waiting to see if they ever make up their minds.

Joe90 wrote:
To put it simply, Peter, Paul and Jane have all had their vaccines and so if they get the virus they will not become ill. John and Lucy chose not to have their vaccines but they are not putting Peter, Paul or Jane at risk because they are already protected from getting ill. John and Lucy are only at risk to each other but it was their choice.

They haven't approved the vaccine to be used on children yet, so I think that's a major concern right now with a lot of parents.

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14 May 2021, 11:21 pm

Joe90 wrote:
To put it simply, Peter, Paul and Jane have all had their vaccines and so if they get the virus they will not become ill. John and Lucy chose not to have their vaccines but they are not putting Peter, Paul or Jane at risk because they are already protected from getting ill. John and Lucy are only at risk to each other but it was their choice.

If Peter, Paul, and Jane get vaccinated they can still carry the virus and put others at risk.

Peter, Paul, and Jane might not become seriously ill themselves (assuming the vaccine works, which is another topic entirely), but they can still go out in public and get the virus on their hands or breathe it into their lungs. Then they walk around without their masks on, thinking they're immune. They can still touch things and hand that virus to others. They can still breathe on people, and pass the virus to others. Just because they're vaccinated and not becoming seriously ill, it doesn't mean that the virus can't enter their system or be transmitted by them to others via person-person contact.

Lucy who didn't get a vaccine might not get Peter, Paul, and Jane sick but she could give them the virus like I described above, so that they carry it around to even more people. Likewise Lucy who didn't get the vaccine could still catch Covid herself, from Peter Paul and Jane who think that they're healthy, and walk around feeling invincible.

The vaccine doesn't kill the virus. It only stops people from getting ill if it's in their body. They become asymptomatic carriers.

Unfortunately this virus isn't going anywhere if people take off their masks, and stop social distancing.

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14 May 2021, 11:47 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
The vaccine doesn't kill the virus. It only stops people from getting ill if it's in their body. They become asymptomatic carriers.

The vaccine builds the body's immune system to kill the virus. You do not become an asymptomatic carrier.

Here is more on the COVID vaccine: Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work


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14 May 2021, 11:50 pm

Jiheisho wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
The vaccine doesn't kill the virus. It only stops people from getting ill if it's in their body. They become asymptomatic carriers.

The vaccine builds the body's immune system to kill the virus. You do not become an asymptomatic carrier.

Here is more on the COVID vaccine: Understanding How COVID-19 Vaccines Work

Does it kill the virus from your skin, clothes, or hair if you touch contaminated surfaces?

Does it kill the virus instantly, before you breathe it onto someone else?

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15 May 2021, 12:07 am

I'm not saying the vaccines don't work, or that they're not important. They're extremely important at protecting our health and reducing the impact on hospitals and health care providers. I'm sorry if you think that I'm anti-vax, because that wasn't my intended message. I've been vaccinated (once) with Pfizer, and so has my entire family.

I'm only pointing out that I think it's premature for governments to stop mask laws, open all business, and "get back to normal" on the basis that most people have had a vaccine. Vaccines protect those who are vaccinated and to a large extent yes, that protects others, but I still worry about people thinking that the virus is "over". There are many people walking around who can't be vaccinated for whatever reason, and there are still ways for vaccinated people to infect others even if the chance is reduced. There are new strains all the time. There are people flying internationally between countries with different standards. Where I live we are still in emergency lockdown and our numbers haven't dropped despite the vaccine roll-out. It's very scary to wonder how it's spreading. We don't even know how long these vaccines will be effective, before new vaccines are required.

I don't have specific links and I'm not trying to be political or debate anything. I'm just pointing out that vaccines protect those who are vaccinated. That doesn't mean that everyone is safe or should be forced to go back to work / school if they aren't ready.

I have a close friendship with a graduate student of Epidemiology who did her thesis on the Coronavirus, and has written peer-reviewed research. She is doing international symposiums and she's in an elite PhD program to continue research on new variants as well as the efficacy of vaccines. Yes, she believes in vaccines and so do I. My point is that people shouldn't become lazy, stop wearing masks, or assume that no one else is at risk because of their own personal injection.

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15 May 2021, 3:15 am

I think I listen to too many conspiracy theories. Also some people I know are for the vaccines and others are against the vaccines. Some people are saying the vaccines are full of harmful chemicals.

Also I don't want to have a sore arm for days. I do sometimes get arm pain, and I know this may sound stupid but arm pain is one of the most annoying aches I've ever had. Apparently most people who have had the vaccine say they feel like they've been punched in the arm, and I can imagine that pain and I hate it. Also their arm feels weak like it's going to drop off. I've got that pain before too and it makes me nauseous and restless.
The side effects I can live with are headaches and tiredness. But nobody knows what side effects they're going to get or how ill they're going to get. I've always refused the flu jab (even though I've never been offered it anyway) because of hearing some people say they got the flu as soon as they had the flu vaccine.

I'm one of those people that is more frightened of the anticipation of something than the unexpected. So as soon as I get the COVID vaccine inserted into me I'm going to get really anxious about the side effects.




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15 May 2021, 5:36 am

Joe90 wrote:
I think I listen to too many conspiracy theories. Also some people I know are for the vaccines and others are against the vaccines. Some people are saying the vaccines are full of harmful chemicals.

Also I don't want to have a sore arm for days. I do sometimes get arm pain, and I know this may sound stupid but arm pain is one of the most annoying aches I've ever had. Apparently most people who have had the vaccine say they feel like they've been punched in the arm, and I can imagine that pain and I hate it. Also their arm feels weak like it's going to drop off. I've got that pain before too and it makes me nauseous and restless.
The side effects I can live with are headaches and tiredness. But nobody knows what side effects they're going to get or how ill they're going to get. I've always refused the flu jab (even though I've never been offered it anyway) because of hearing some people say they got the flu as soon as they had the flu vaccine.

I'm one of those people that is more frightened of the anticipation of something than the unexpected. So as soon as I get the COVID vaccine inserted into me I'm going to get really anxious about the side effects.


Thanks for sharing self knowledge.
Peddlers of conspiracy theories are very good a careful cherry picking of data and information out of context to make forceful and plausible arguments, regardless of how close or removed from reality they are.

Amusingly everything is "Full of chemicals" That is what stuff is made of. elements, compounds, atoms and molecules, chemicals is one of the words for these.

I join you in being bad with anticipation. I am far to good at guesing the worst possible outcome and rubbiush at estimating the chances of it happening, always estimate it as a certainty when it is often not so.

As two what is in a vaccine,
depending on the type of vaccine, it may be a dead version of the virus. It can't replicate but all its features are there as "Spoilers" for the immune system which it uses to make antibodies, B cells and T-cells which can neutralise the virus and deal effectively with infected cells.

It may be some key bits of the virus only, again the "Spoilers" for the immune system to enable it to make those antibody, B cells and T cells ready in case of meeting the actual virus.

It may be the equivalent of a set of drawings passes on to cells at the place where one gets the shot so they make ome copies of those key parts of the virus and pass them onto the immune system to get those antibody, B cells and T-Cells made ready to deal with the actual virus.

A harmless virus might be used as a messenger for those drawings. A small virus such as an Adnenovirus, one which is known to be harmless in humans might be used as the messenger for those "Drawings". The adnovirus gets the parts of its genetic material it needs to reproduce stripped out so it can't and then bits of genetic material whiuch would code the key bits of the virus agains which protection in wanted spliced in, and then lots of copies of this vius, the "Vector Virus" grown in cell cultures.

The actual bits of genetic materials from which proteins get made by the emzymes in a cell might be used, packaged up in a fatty like particle.

The other thing which often goes into a vaccine is something to give a bit of controlled irritation. This part actually gets the immune system going, and produce the cells (Dendritic cells) which hoover up those key bits of the virus delivered in the vaccine and get those key bits to where they can meet B cells and T cells and kick of the production of the B-Cells which make an antibody that fits those parts and neutralise the virus and T-Cells tuned to those parts which will be able to recognise infected cells quickly and deal with them and bring infection and desease under control quickly.

Feeling pretty crap after a vaccine is unfortunate, because it is no fun feeling crap, and also a Very good sign because it indicates the immune system has swung into action and priming itself to deal with that virus and giving you the antibdies, B cells to make more antibodies and T cells to knock down infection which means meeting the actual virus later on is now very unlikely to end badly with trips to hospital or days out in a box with the undertaker, and quite possible also unlikely to end up with the long debilitating after effects which can sometimes hit people of any age after covid.

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15 May 2021, 10:28 am

This morning one of the shows on TV had a medical expert on. She was a doctor but I didn't note from where.

She emphasized what a great job the vaccines did at protecting people but she was concerned about getting enough people vaccinated to stop the virus from lingering in the population. She said they need like 75%-80% of the population vaccinated to really control the virus...and that's like 75%-80% of the total population, which includes folk who cannot get vaccinated (for instance, babies and people medically allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine).

Her main concern about the virus lingering in the population seemed to be the risk of some new variant coming out that forced us to go back into full lock-downs again. She didn't mention that even the old variants of the virus can be really bad news for you if you aren't vaccinated (I guess she figured we'd heard about the massive death tolls).

Another station had a story about research that might, someday, help doctors save people with respiratory failure, for instance from COVID:

:arrow:    NHK story   :!:            8-O

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.


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15 May 2021, 11:45 am

Joe90 wrote:
I think I listen to too many conspiracy theories. Also some people I know are for the vaccines and others are against the vaccines. Some people are saying the vaccines are full of harmful chemicals.

Also I don't want to have a sore arm for days. I do sometimes get arm pain, and I know this may sound stupid but arm pain is one of the most annoying aches I've ever had. Apparently most people who have had the vaccine say they feel like they've been punched in the arm, and I can imagine that pain and I hate it. Also their arm feels weak like it's going to drop off. I've got that pain before too and it makes me nauseous and restless.
The side effects I can live with are headaches and tiredness. But nobody knows what side effects they're going to get or how ill they're going to get. I've always refused the flu jab (even though I've never been offered it anyway) because of hearing some people say they got the flu as soon as they had the flu vaccine.

I'm one of those people that is more frightened of the anticipation of something than the unexpected. So as soon as I get the COVID vaccine inserted into me I'm going to get really anxious about the side effects.


I understand how you feel Joe. Remember a month ago I was paranoid about the vaccines too because I have a history of blood clots and other atypical responses to medication. My daughter isn't allowed normal flu jabs because she's immunocompromised and can't fight the medication. I know these vaccines are formulated differently than normal flu vaccines but it still scared me. Anyway yes I did mine eventually, mostly due to peer pressure and my boyfriend's insistence. All I can say from my own experience is that it didn't make my whole arm hurt. It was just my shoulder. It started about an hour after the jab, continued that evening, and was totally gone the next day. It wasn't like it slowly faded away. It just vanished all at once the second day. I'd say the pain was 1/10. I didn't even think about it and it didn't bother me at all. I'm not pushing you to get one. That's totally your call, but I just wanted you to know it wasn't like my entire arm ached or my arm was falling off.

We are still in "full lockdown" here, no different from last spring - like Double Retired described. It's been 15 months with no restaurants or socialising. I'm not even allowed to see my boyfriend outdoors from two metres away, because we live in different areas and people aren't allowed to socialise at all. I'm living in a Draconian society where most businesses have gone under and people are completely fed up. My brother witnessed a woman so stressed out by her business being forced closed that she ran in the street to be hit by a car. Onlookers and police subdued her and treated her beside the road and when they went to put her in an ambulance she got up and ran into traffic again. People are losing their minds here. It's that bad. Most people have been vaccinated but our numbers are still climbing and we have new strains every few days. The doctors can't keep up. My 82-yo mother cracked her head open last night and refused to go to hospital because they're so overwhelmed with Covid. She said she'd rather die at home in her sleep than in the corridor of an overburdened hospital with doctors wearing hazmat suits, and people breathing Covid onto her, without the ability for my brother or me to stay at her side.

The world is crazy. I don't know why I'm writing this. It's entirely your choice if you get the vaccine but I want you to know that I was scared like you are, I did it, and I'm fine. Same with my mother, daughter, boyfriend, brother, and his family. I know how anxious you are. I just wanted to send hugs and let you know you're heard. Sorry for my long ramble. I guess I just wanted to vent my own anxiety, created when I see other countries thinking it's "business as normal" because of the vaccines. I still want people to wear masks and take precautions whether they've had the jab or not. That's my main point, not whether or not vaccines are worthwhile.

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15 May 2021, 11:50 am

I've had mine yesterday and now my arm feels like it weighs 500kg. My side effects seem to be the same as everyone else's. When it comes to autism and vaccines the side effects are identical to anyone else.


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15 May 2021, 11:58 am

Nades wrote:
<snip> When it comes to autism and vaccines the side effects are identical to anyone else.

As adults, I agree, but as an Aspie with an AS mother, I never bonded with either parent, and when I was first taken for vaccinations, the EXPERIENCE shattered my faith in people, leading to a withdrawal similar to those many parents have described.


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15 May 2021, 12:01 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I think I listen to too many conspiracy theories. Also some people I know are for the vaccines and others are against the vaccines. Some people are saying the vaccines are full of harmful chemicals.

Also I don't want to have a sore arm for days. I do sometimes get arm pain, and I know this may sound stupid but arm pain is one of the most annoying aches I've ever had. Apparently most people who have had the vaccine say they feel like they've been punched in the arm, and I can imagine that pain and I hate it. Also their arm feels weak like it's going to drop off. I've got that pain before too and it makes me nauseous and restless.
The side effects I can live with are headaches and tiredness. But nobody knows what side effects they're going to get or how ill they're going to get. I've always refused the flu jab (even though I've never been offered it anyway) because of hearing some people say they got the flu as soon as they had the flu vaccine.

I'm one of those people that is more frightened of the anticipation of something than the unexpected. So as soon as I get the COVID vaccine inserted into me I'm going to get really anxious about the side effects.


The amount of chemicals in an apple or grapefruit is as long as Microsofts account sheets. There is nothing much to be worried about. They gave me a sheet of paper saying exactly what was in the vaccines and the list wasn't particularly long at all at only 12 chemicals, some of them being potassium chloride (salt), sodium chloride (also salt), sucrose (sugar) water......(water) and cholesterol for some reason.

Afterwards I had to wait in 15 mins on a chair with everyone else and nobody experienced anything unusual and this was out of a room of about 100 people having the vaccine.


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15 May 2021, 12:07 pm

I made a point of noticing how much my health usually resembles "side effects" - night sweats, occasional weakness or shortness of breath, insomnia, odd belly pains, and so on Before I got my shot, and everything was within normal limits afterward.