Your Aspie Score: 168 of 200
Your Neurotypical (Non-Autistic) Score: 61 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Main SPQ-score: 44 of 74
Ideas of reference 5 of 9
Excessive social anxiety 7 of 8
Odd beliefs or magical thinking 5 of 7
Unusual perceptual experiences 2 of 9
Odd or eccentric behavior 6 of 7
No close friends 5 of 9
Odd speech 8 of 9
Constricted affect 4 of 8
Suspiciousness 2 of 8
I totally dislike the SPQ test, as many of the questions are either totally ambiguous or extremely biased. For example, I answered “yes” to 71% of the odd beliefs/magical thinking, which would be somewhat suspicious if I were not pagan! As for my other three big scores: I am socially anxious because I have tried (and failed) so many times to fit into the NT world; my odd or eccentric behavior (special interests, inappropriate jokes, and thinking outside the box) are normal for Aspies; my odd speech (mumbling, talking too loudly/softly, repeating lines from the Simpsons, etc.) are normal for Aspies as well. Interestingly enough, I have always had high Schizoid scores on personality profile tests, which just goes to prove that the Autistic Spectrum and certain personality disorders do overlap.