What was your wierdest obsession growing up?

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22 Feb 2012, 2:21 pm

I went through a period where I was obsessed with water. I would fill the sink up and drop things into it just to see the boyancy, I would turn the taps on fast and then turn them off fast to see the splash marks everywhere. I would put water in a box (cardboard) to see what happened. I would put water into empty containers and fill it with beads and place it under my bed for some reason.

I also went through a phase were I became obsessed with being thirsty and would not drink anything and do lots of cycling till I sweat and would not drink afterwards. (I suppose that one was quite dangerous)


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22 Feb 2012, 2:52 pm

skins (tv show) i watch them all back to back at least every few days ...wierd i know


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22 Feb 2012, 8:21 pm

Coins - Not only did I have a big collection, but I loved tracing each set of coins to the die that stamped them. As a die starts to wear it leave marks on each coin. I would examin each coin looking for a crack starteing or the brush marks where the die was cleaned all the way till the die broke.

Rocks and minerals - when I was around 8 I started collecting rocks too.. I loved finding minerals the most. - I see others enjoyed it too.

Laws - traffic laws are fun to learn.. I work on being the most lawfull person on the roads.. When I was 21 a cheif of police pointed out, he had never seen me break any traffic laws.

Computer programming - back in the early 80's I taught myself to program 3 languges I'm still fond of the 8086

Girls - when I was in my twenties I loved finding what made young women's knees get weak. Not to jump in bed with them... Arrol Flynn and Cary Grant were my role models..

Culture - How America's regions and cultures effect they way people act and think.

Business - I once wanted to see how much bussines an old small restaurant could do.. I didn't care about money, just business. Although it did bring in lots.

Dictionary - Reading it - I've known 2 others that have done it.

Library - In my teens - looked for the wierdest thing in books - Found how to make black powder in a small country library.

TV repair - have only known one other who taught him self to trouble shoot electronics

Thare are many ohters hobbies I did that I have never heard of anyone doing...

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22 Feb 2012, 11:52 pm

I have an extremely high knowledge of Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons 1-3. I can give you the titles in order, or list of the names of actors with guest spots, and recite entire scenes from these seasons. That was my thing through high school. It was pretty bad, to the point where my mom had to sit me down and talk to me about it.

Linguistically I'm very into British-isms which also stemmed from Buffy.

I saw a documentary on turn of the century circus freaks as a teen and have since amassed a large amount of trivia on the performers (1850's to 1950's) as well as information about any number of birth defects and syndromes.

My interest in My Little Pony has fluctuated on and off over the years (born in '83 so I had a ton as a kid). Right now, with the new show airing, it is definitely on. :) I lost my old collection in a move a while back and now I'm ebaying it back one pony at a time...

Trying to think about what I was into before hitting my teens. I had a lot of books. I was constantly reading, buying new books, and organizing my books. I liked to take them out of the case and put them in boxes to see what the cubic volume of my books was...

Making friends was never a very high priority for me. :)


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23 Feb 2012, 2:21 am

I used to have a bit of a fixation with Victorian style bedpans, the ones which you put hot coals into to warm the bed up at night prior to sleeping in them.

And before that when I was very young I was also fixated with coconuts and their similarities with the human face. I had a family of them which I took around with me everywhere I went, and they all had names: Kevin, Katie, Harry, George and Leo the dog.

(P.S. - I still have this coconut family in a box in the attic. I could never part with them).

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Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurs, Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Music, Tuna, Chocolate milk, Oreos, Blue things

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23 Feb 2012, 3:01 am

Collecting and categorizing data on cosmology/the universe/planets/etc.

Taking everything possible and inspecting it under my microscope.

Oh, and when I was 11 I was obsessed with Beanie Babies, I HAD TO have each one with a perfect tag in a case in mint condition and I knew everything possible about TY Beanie Babies.

When I was 5 I would rent documentaries like crazy at Blockbuster. My parents thought it was odd.

I also had a fascination with aquatic creatures and biology around the same age. A dinosaur obsession soon followed.



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23 Feb 2012, 3:39 am



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23 Feb 2012, 4:41 am

Firefighters, fire trucks and any and all apparatuses designed for fire fighting, the odd thing though was I was scared to death of certain fire fighter uniforms, specifically the yellow ones. I only liked the black ones with yellow striping.

Anything related to space

Medical procedures

WW2- mainly the AAF and B-17 bombers

Growing pond scum/mosquito larvae


Horse Racing

Tide Pools


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23 Feb 2012, 11:34 am

As a saltwater aquarist, what the heck is weird about tidepools?! They rock!



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23 Feb 2012, 11:46 am

The shipwreck of the Titanic. I bought books about it, read about it wherever I could, and then it inexplicably turned into a phobia.
I still get very uncomfortable by even thumbnail pictures, and slight panic attacks by larger photos.
It was only last year that I was able to look at a thumbnail picture of the shipwreck on a news website without feeling scared.

Additionally, history as a whole is still very interesting to me, with special focus on medieval history.


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23 Feb 2012, 1:24 pm

Telephone poles! They're fascinating. There are so many different kinds. And each state seems to have its own styles of telephone poles, and street lamps. They almost seem like they're alive, and watching. And I have to admit... I'm still fascinated by them.


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23 Feb 2012, 9:48 pm

Probably that baby Jessica in the well news story. I was 10 when the TV movie came out and I remember recording it then sitting in front of the VCR later and taping it to a mini-cassette. I used to take it with me on car trips and listen to it over and over again :lol: How my parents thought there was nothing different about me I don't know.

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23 Feb 2012, 9:54 pm

the number 7 ...counting by it..everything had to be in 7's etc.


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23 Feb 2012, 10:12 pm

Maybe not that wierd, but I was obsessed with the tv-show Pacific Blue when I was about 9-12. I used to go through our own and the neighbors recycling looking for tiny pictures from the show in their newspaper TV-guides, which I would cut out and glue to my bedroom wall.


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24 Feb 2012, 2:45 pm

Railway bridges. it still is an obsession with me, photographing them & building models of them.
I have hundreds of photo's of bridges , mostly of the plate girder design, but of "A" type & box girder type bridges as well.


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24 Feb 2012, 2:58 pm

Around the age of 9 it was Laura Ingalls Wilder books.
I read all of them, and most conversations involved those books.

When I think back, all the signs were there - I was more interested in how the buildings were made, the tools they used, what shops stocked, than the stories.

I then got into reading up about the wild west.

If anyone tried to tell me about the Little House on The Prairie tv show, I would get annoyed... and they would be treated to a monologue about exactly how bad the portrayal of the books was, and how the stories bore little relation,

I think this is probably around the time when my family started to ignore me ! !! !