Should people with Aspergers be able to own guns?

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31 Dec 2009, 6:13 pm

wigglyspider wrote:
Well, honestly I think gun laws are getting a little loose over here in the US. You can take them into national parks now, wtf. And MANY people who are not "mentally ill" have done really stupid things with guns. (Like shooting innocent people through their door because they thought they were getting robbed.).

Gun control laws vary even from city to city. I think in Dallas it is legal to carry it out in the open. In LA you basically can't have a gun NEAR the ammo unless going from the car to a shooting range, on your property, or buying them together(MAYBE).

If a police officer stops you without your being a law officer, or having a concealed weapons permit(which are RARE), and sees a gun on the floor of your car, you could be in TROUBLE for having a concealed weapon. If it is ON the seat or in plain view, he could inspect it and, if loaded, or with ammo in the cab, you can be in severe trouble. Gun laws ARE getting STRICTER.

I think even NATIONAL PARKS are subject to LOCAL laws. Of course, rifles have fewer laws since they shoot fewer shots and are more obvious and bad for closed quarters. Still, if you have a shotgun in a national park with no permit, they may start asking questions.


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31 Dec 2009, 6:32 pm

Ambivalence wrote:
Danielismyname wrote:
If I can't walk into your local S-Mart and put down several million dollars and buy an atomic bomb because you say I can't, you're a despot.

It's a simple as that.

No, it isn't, unless you're going to use it responsibly, or keep it safe if you aren't intending to use it. If you are someone who can do that, then withholding your right to own an atomic bomb is wrong. In a world full of ideal people, if you want to buy a bomb I can trust you not to go round exploding people for kicks - but I can't trust real people not to do that. We can work together to make the world, eventually, into a place where it is possible, though. That'd be nice.

Well, at least guns have generally limited range and are directed. A bomb is neither. An atomic bomb is even worse. I hope those that have atomic bombs realize about the radioactivity, how it can hurt electronics, and how explosives can be unstable.

I know enough about all that to tell you that the film "The manhatten project" did NOT lie about it! It is about a guy that has enough info to build the bomb, but doesn't know enough to know the REAL BASICS! The timer is not military grade and not shielded, so it goes crazy because of the radiation. The detonator was powered by an inductive camera flash mechanism. If power is broken across the circuit, once it has been applied, it will TRIGGER! So he can't simply remove the batteries or cut the source, and it started after he put the nuclear material in. ALSO, the material was more radioactive than he thought, so more people would die if it exploded. Too many just want to say they have the bomb, and have it explode. I hope they realize that it needs to be monitored and stable.


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31 Dec 2009, 7:57 pm

Well, it would appear we have some spirited debate here. Usually that's what happens when someone brings up gun ownership rights.

MY opinion... well, it can best be summed up in the research paper that I wrote for my Composition and Rhetoric final. If anyone wants to view the full document, I will post it in my WP blog for posterity. But I'll use a few snippets here.

Basically I support Second Amemdment rights for everyone except felons and serious mental illness cases. For the latter, it would have to be a case in which there is significant probability of that person harming someone, and would have to be confirmed by a doctor or similar. Firstly, the police cannot protect you. Even if the police force in most American cities was at it's maximum potential, it would be impossible for them to prevent EVERY crime. Sooner or later, someone is going to have to defend themselves without police assistance, and it's cases like this where a firearm comes in very handy:

Quote: on defensive gun use was conducted by Lawrence Southwick Jr. at the University at Buffalo. The study focused on the economical benefits in favor of concealed carry for self-defense... It compares and contrasts the consequences of personal crimes against armed and unarmed individuals, such as property loss and personal injury. The study found that the chance of property loss and personal injury as a result of a crime (robbery, rape, assault, etc.) was significantly reduced if the victim was armed and knowledgeable on how to use their weapon. (Southwick, Lawrence. "Self-defense with Guns: The Consequences." Journal of Criminal Justice. 28.5 (2009): 351-70. Print.)

Remember that this was a research paper, everything I stated had to be backed up by data, which means that I'm not just bullshitting this.

As for whether or not Asperger's Syndrome should factor in the decision for allowing gun licensure, I believe, like always, that aspies should be given the same rights as anyone else. Things such as the VT massacre are anomaly cases; for the most part, aspies would be just as responsible with a weapon as NT's, if not more.

But that's just me. And for the record, I am 18 and do not own a gun, although I do find them interesting and would like to own one for recreational and defense purposes in the future. Plus, most of my family are gun hobbyists, so I have their guidance when it comes to matters of being a responsible gun owner.

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31 Dec 2009, 8:34 pm

Of course. Aspies are not crazy or dangerous. On the contrary, Aspies, are saner than Normals, by and large.



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31 Dec 2009, 10:00 pm

Jaydee wrote:
Asp-Z wrote:
No one should be able to own guns. Including police, UNLESS they are dealing with a criminal who has obtained a gun themselves.
I agree wholeheartedly!

So, you now require the police to be precognitive, so that they can know before loading up their patrol cars whether or not they'll be facing an armed criminal that day?

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31 Dec 2009, 10:34 pm

I have a few guns and have used them perfectly safely. When I handle a gun, I focus heavily on safety.


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01 Jan 2010, 2:10 am

People don't realize how easy it is to make a longbow or flatbow that'll be equally useful in giving its user the ability to kill stuff as a firearm. I can make one in a week, and it'll kill anything on this planet with a single shot. I own bows and firearms, and I really can't tell you which one is better for killing stuff, as they both have their pluses and minuses.

But anyway, firearm restrictions can decrease the deaths inflicted via firearms (proven here in Oz), it's just that deaths caused via other means rise (proven here in Oz); so what's actually the point when it equals out? If you're shot or clubbed in an emotional fit of rage by an angry spouse you cheated on or something, it doesn't really matter in the end.


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01 Jan 2010, 7:45 am

Should Republicans be allowed to own guns?

Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?


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01 Jan 2010, 11:21 am

Should people with Aspergers be able to own guns?


I’d say that’s up to each individual aspie and not anyone else.
I, for example, have a lot of guns and will always have a lot of guns.
A loaded .40 caliber Glock pistol is in my desk drawer right now where I’m sitting writing this. It’s also my carry gun since I have a concealed carry permit.
And if that’s not scary enough for you I’m also a range officer at one of the local shooting ranges so when I’m on duty there I supervise others shooting and have responsibility for the entire complex.

I refuse to be a sheep or a peasant and don’t have much use for anyone that is.
I won’t have anyone telling me I can’t own guns, either.
I’m going to have them one way or another, legal or not.

I don’t go looking for trouble and never have. I don’t think most people with Asperger’s do but that doesn’t mean trouble won’t find us despite our best efforts otherwise.

And forget this “Gun Free” zone BS, too. About all that means is that it’s a safe haven for armed criminals to operate un-opposed.
If you were going to do a massacre wouldn’t a “gun free” zone be the perfect place?
Think about it.

Let’s stop looking for the government to make our personal decisions!
They have too much control as it is so we need to take as much as we can upon ourselves.
I could see if we were ret*d but we’re not so let’s not act like it or expect to be treated like it.


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01 Jan 2010, 12:06 pm

Raptor wrote:
Should people with Aspergers be able to own guns?


I’d say that’s up to each individual aspie and not anyone else.
I, for example, have a lot of guns and will always have a lot of guns.
A loaded .40 caliber Glock pistol is in my desk drawer right now where I’m sitting writing this. It’s also my carry gun since I have a concealed carry permit.
And if that’s not scary enough for you I’m also a range officer at one of the local shooting ranges so when I’m on duty there I supervise others shooting and have responsibility for the entire complex.

I refuse to be a sheep or a peasant and don’t have much use for anyone that is.
I won’t have anyone telling me I can’t own guns, either.
I’m going to have them one way or another, legal or not.

I don’t go looking for trouble and never have. I don’t think most people with Asperger’s do but that doesn’t mean trouble won’t find us despite our best efforts otherwise.

And forget this “Gun Free” zone BS, too. About all that means is that it’s a safe haven for armed criminals to operate un-opposed.
If you were going to do a massacre wouldn’t a “gun free” zone be the perfect place?
Think about it.

Let’s stop looking for the government to make our personal decisions!
They have too much control as it is so we need to take as much as we can upon ourselves.
I could see if we were ret*d but we’re not so let’s not act like it or expect to be treated like it.


Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?


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01 Jan 2010, 4:13 pm

how else are we going to be able to protect ourselves from NT's?



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01 Jan 2010, 4:26 pm

If they can pass the conceal/carry course..yes. I think people with Asperger's need one more than most people so they can protect themselves. They should be taught at the carry conceal or other course when they need to shoot and when not. My parents say I'd be too trigger happy if I had a gun but I think if I learn not only how to use a gun but learn but also when I really needed too.

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01 Jan 2010, 4:40 pm

Why not?
Of course!
Heck yeah.
By jove...everyone, pick up your piece...let's have some fun.
Fine and dandy...OH YES!!

Why, of course.........let everyone in the world own a gun. that would be truly ruly dandy.
let's all own guns.
let's all play with them.
why...let's just let everyone in the world have the right to bear arms.

ping, whistle.....

in the words of the beach boys...

"wouldn't it be nice..."


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01 Jan 2010, 4:41 pm

Blindspot149 wrote:
Should Republicans be allowed to own guns?

If republicans can't, NOBODY can! Democrats always OFFICIALLY want to outlaw guns for ALL except the politicians! Talk about IRONIC!

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01 Jan 2010, 4:49 pm

Asperger's and HFA are neurological conditions not mental illness or mental defectiveness. I had at
one time eleven rifles, two shotguns and three black powder revolvers when I was still living on
Long Island. I might start buying guns again when I can afford to do so. As for keeping myself safe
right now I don't go out at night and I carry pepper spray or chemical mace.

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01 Jan 2010, 4:58 pm

Danielismyname wrote:
anyway, firearm restrictions can decrease the deaths inflicted via firearms (proven here in Oz), it's just that deaths caused via other means rise (proven here in Oz); so what's actually the point when it equals out? If you're shot or clubbed in an emotional fit of rage by an angry spouse you cheated on or something, it doesn't really matter in the end.

In Washington DC, they outlawed guns and crime went UP! In some areas of texas, gun laws are laxed, and crime is LOW! BUT, as you said, there ARE other weapons ALSO.

HEY, in the US alcoholic beverages were OUTLAWED! They actually had a constitutional amendment! 18th in 1919! They repealed it with the 21st in 1933!

WHY did they repeal it? Well, in part, it was never fully adhered to. They STILL had bars, STILL made alcoholic beverages, etc... Crime was higher because it was illegal, and people went blind because of trying to create their OWN alcohol, or drinking adulterated beverages. It is, and WAS, ILLEGAL in the US to provide many forms of alcohol without basically poisoning them so they can only be used topically. If you fail to do so there are fines and/or restrictions and taxes. Burning certain things, like wood, creates alcohol, but METHANOL which is a neurotoxin. So they felt it was better to just repeal the law.

Some people today advocate making marijuana legal for the same reasons. In THOSE cases, the adulteration is due to idiots growing the stuff, cutting it with bad things, to reduce costs/risks.
