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23 Mar 2008, 6:08 am

Chadk wrote:
ford_prefects_kid wrote:
I would ban people lacking a sense of humor who jump onto a thread on their second post on a forum, to say something like "BANNING IZ WRONG OMG!" without first checking to see that most of this is all tongue in cheek.

Dismount from the high horse guys, mkay? :roll:

Dont get humor a lot, no?

Are you referring to your own post? If you meant the contradiction in the statement "banning people who ban things," I guess I failed to see the humor simply because that joke has been made 20+ times in the past 7 pages, and I don't think it works any longer... if it ever did in the first place. Other than that, I'm really not sure what you could be referencing.


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23 Mar 2008, 8:58 am

gypsyRN wrote:
Lightning88 wrote:
*Intense foul language
*Trashy clothing
*Loud rap music (Thank God no one does this in my area now!)
*Cheap or crappy houses and cars
*Anyone who hates 'Happy Tree Friends'
*Monster Trucks
*People I disapprove of
*New Palestine, Indiana
*Soft rock and bubblegum pop

Come to think of it, there are quite a few towns/cities in Indiana which should be banned. heh I second the loud rap music, trashy clothing, and cheap/crappy stuff.

lol Yeah, I completely agree! But New Palestine definitely takes the cake of all the cities and towns in Indiana! :wink:


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23 Mar 2008, 9:45 am

2ukenkerl wrote:
I would bn paying people to do NOTHING! That INCLUDES "teachers" that are simply baby sitters or teach "art", etc...

How about people who pointlessly capitalise random words incessently and gratuitously?

You suck, 2uken.


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23 Mar 2008, 9:46 am

I would put a blindfold on and just randomly hit the ban button 8O :D

Only joking lol :twisted:


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23 Mar 2008, 10:27 am

I think buttheads with SUV's should be on my list of things to ban--- why does one driver need THAT much space, or a vehicle that can go up steep hills when he/she'll never drive off of the road except to get to Starbuck's?
I think only a few major things should be banned--- but the horrible SUV people would definitely be first ( this ban would not apply to people who actually use their SUVs to transport multiple passengers or who use them for work).


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23 Mar 2008, 1:00 pm

companies hiring illegal immigrants
pharmaceutical commercials on TV
supply-side "economics"
the RIAA
coal-fired power plants
anti-nuclear energy nuts
right-wing think tanks
telemarketers and spammers
morons who thing bribing politicians with corporate money is "free speech"
postmodernist intellectuals (sorry Nominalist)

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23 Mar 2008, 1:29 pm

silentchaos wrote:
We have a health care system? :roll:

aaaahahahaha!! ! That's what I often find myself thinking, and I work in it.


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23 Mar 2008, 1:34 pm

rocklobster wrote:
Ok, I won't get into why I think religion SHOULDN'T be banned. (yes I am a Jesus Freak and you can't stop me, so there! :P So, in the spirit of fun:
Pit bulls (do we really need dogs this vicious?)
Religious intolerance
G4TV (the worst network EVER!)
brussel sprouts

It's funny you wish to ban religious intolerance, yet are intolerant of an entire BREED of dogs, just because some of those poor dogs have vicious idiots for owners.


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23 Mar 2008, 1:41 pm

gypsyRN wrote:
silentchaos wrote:
We have a health care system? :roll:

aaaahahahaha!! ! That's what I often find myself thinking, and I work in it.

We have a health care system. I know I saw it once. It is like a rainbow. You can see it, but you cannot ever get to it, and if you do, you really cannot touch it.


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23 Mar 2008, 5:03 pm

Id ban Europe.


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23 Mar 2008, 5:57 pm

Confused-Fish wrote:
Id ban Europe.

And I'll ban the United States! :p

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23 Mar 2008, 6:09 pm

Then the US would negotiate with Canada, to have Canada ban Australia as part of the next round of the NAFTA/NAMBLA Treaties that the Clinton and Bush families are so fond o. Canadians are considered nice by a lot of people, but they can be just as Drunk and feisty as you Aussies. :D


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23 Mar 2008, 6:10 pm

I would ban wealthy people. I heard a stat once that 5% of america owned 95% of the countries wealth.


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23 Mar 2008, 11:05 pm

MR_BOGAN wrote:
I would ban wealthy people. I heard a stat once that 5% of america owned 95% of the countries wealth.

Wouldn't we all be poor then?


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24 Mar 2008, 3:31 am

IdahoAspie wrote:
MR_BOGAN wrote:
I would ban wealthy people. I heard a stat once that 5% of america owned 95% of the countries wealth.

Wouldn't we all be poor then?

err I take that back. Not that bad yet

1% own 38% of the wealth.

20% own 80% of the wealth ... wolff.html

Not quite the time for a revolution!!


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24 Mar 2008, 6:19 am

velodog wrote:
Then the US would negotiate with Canada, to have Canada ban Australia as part of the next round of the NAFTA/NAMBLA Treaties that the Clinton and Bush families are so fond o. Canadians are considered nice by a lot of people, but they can be just as Drunk and feisty as you Aussies. :D


I'll pay that, Velodog! Good comeback! :lol: