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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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30 Sep 2012, 2:32 pm

Yep. Just how I walk when I'm barefoot. Only feel comfortable walking normally in a pair of $300 eccos.


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30 Sep 2012, 6:49 pm

Sora wrote:
I always walk(ed) like this:

\ /

And about the outer brink/balancing thing, well, it's like this:

I walk only on the coloured area... if that were a 3-D foot. You folks get the idea.



I tend to walk like this most of the time, then somehow spontaneously start toe-walking at random. I also tend to toe-walk if I'm climbing stairs (in public, I have to resist the urge to "cat walk" on all fours). Also, if I'm sitting without shoes, my toes get bent back over the top of my foot, but if I have shoes on, only the tip of my toes touch the ground.


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30 Sep 2012, 7:58 pm

I toe-walked more when I was a kid. I will still do it on unfamilliar carpet or surfaces. Its like I'm protecting my feet from potentially finding something sharp or pointy. Maybe its the greater contact area of my flat feet that I worry about.


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30 Sep 2012, 8:36 pm

I only ever do that when I am walking up the stairs. I used to go upstairs on all fours at one point.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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30 Sep 2012, 9:29 pm

TrainofLove wrote:
Why don't you guys try and tiptoe thru' the tulips with Tiny Tim:

Tiny Tim used to be one of my special interests. I feel so embarrassed admitting that. My interest expanded to include outsider music as a whole, which is more rewarding than obsessing over only a single long dead, highly eccentric ukulele player.