2ukenkerl wrote:
They are like night and day. Eating is required to survive and simple and obvious.
This isn't to do with eating, this is to do with preparing.
Not at all. One with such a severe impairment in social interaction that they cannot ask for food is putting their life in jeopardy if they are young, if they're old, they may just run into situations with law enforcement that are life threatening.
I can eat, I just cannot prepare anything that requires more than a few steps. Some people with ASDs can make eye contact, albeit it it'll be uncomfortable, others will never look at someone at all; this example transposes over everything with ASDs.
There's autistic individuals out there who cannot prepare anything due to autism, there's some who can get by with basic stuff, and there's some who find it difficult, but they can do most things.
Self-helps skills and social impairment are a part of ASDs. Some have both, others only the latter.
What of the autistic individuals that run into traffic without "care"? They're putting their life in danger, and there's adults with AS who have a high level of intelligence who do such.
Maybe you should follow some sort of cooking classes.
Getting used to the routine of cooking may make it alot less stressfull.
This is extremely important for your future.
If you don't want to end up living your whole life on a group home for people who can't take care of themselves.
Those aren't nice places to grow up/live in.
Here in the Netherlands those group homes are packed with people with autism, most of them have pdd-nos.