thats simply not true, it is as necessary now as it ever was as we all still need to work togetherfor our own betterment and for the continuation of the species, etc
your comment shows your frustration with your low emotional quotient
How am I frustrated if I view it as an unnecessary throwback?
Empathy is the psychological equivalent of the appendix. I don't run in a pack; I don't socialise.
I have no empathy - but if I did, what use would it bring me?
Don't argue that it woud allow me to be happy by interacting with others, and living a normal life.
If I state that sort of nonsense, that kind of a waste of time has no meaning to me, then the tools to engage in such behaviour are simply dead weight - even if they have no physical presence.
I can actually score high, if I choose. It's easy to emulate behaviour if you've studied it long enough. They've a word for it - it's called "acting".
But if you can tell me what you can possibly gain of any merit, please, I'd welcome it. As I've said, though - if I have no use for the end result, than what merit does the tool bring?
what end result, this is the first we have heard of the end result.
read the entirity of my original rebutal to your original post. if you do you will see how i have said that emotions are a necessary tool to humans.
and i dont believe you for a second that you scored highly, it is the fact that you are "so irate" and so diagreeant to the idea of emotion that tells us you are frustrated with a lack of emotion and scoring in the "end reuslt".