Pobodys_Nerfect wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
As far as relationships go, the whole reason I limit myself to other Aspies is because I am convinced that we don't lie or cheat.
I think even the Aspie females are devils in disguise, and more dangerous than the NT variants. You still should learn the art of lying and deceit otherwise you are lamb to the slaughter.
Emphatically disagree with aspie female devil thing
Emphatically agree with the LAMB TO SLAUGHTER thing
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize most people lie for very good reasons which kinda supercede the lie itself. The bottom line is -- do you create martyrs of yourself- family- frineds....do you violate the principles you hold dear....just to tell the truth or keep quiet when your conscience is screaming at you to speak up...or lie?
You have to live with the consequences no matter what you do. Unless you can do the hermit thing par excellence...you'll find yourself in plenty of situations where you're caught between a rock and a hard place. It's not easy to avoid lying; it's also not easy to lie. That's why people get mad at the "system" which is many times flawed and corrupt; why they fight passionately or find it impossible to conform; why they become activists to change a system of rules they can't live with; why they find themselves backed into a corner with compromised values and inevitable meltdown.
Lying complicates one's life in unimaginable ways and mostly makes it worse. Sometimes one has to lie bc the other options are unacceptable. Usually one's actions are determiined by an assessment of --- what can I do to cause the least discomfort to myself and those I care about.