This is getting annoying, really annoying.
I think the OP is hinting at all the people who think that AS is about being an Einstein and they think they are smarter than everyone else so they want the label AS so they can get a sense of superior intellect.
Most posters do have superior intellects, without a doubt. Content considered, word for word, these posts have far more quality than the average interwebs small talkings.
So, what does it matter if everyone here is officially diagnosed?
Seems to me that if indeed folks are saying they have Asperger's and don't, who are wanting to be aspie, they likely aren't NTs but folks in between, neither NT or Aspie. People who never fit in, but who want to, and who have some traits in common with Asperger's and want to fit in and belong.
There are. The symptoms are "behavioural" in origin; which is the same with any medical condition (the behaviour of viruses interacting with the host body is no different than a person interacting with its host society). Seeing how someone interacts with the world and other objects/people around them is no different than looking into a microscope.
Whether the professional is looking at a person or into a microscope, it depends on the skill of the professional to determine how accurate said looking will be.
It's been stated before that everyone is on the autistic spectrum just at different degrees and everyone has some autistic traits at varying degrees.
The "NT" type is at a different degrees on the spectrum than the "ASD" type. The NT type has different traits.
Of course this could be misinformation. My understanding is that everyone is on the spectrum just at different degrees so it's the traits vary in individuals.
Edit: I have to admit...the few people here who are open about being bothered by the undiagnosed make me feel uncomfortable about posting. I'll never seek diagnosis though. It really would not make any difference to me to have an 'official' opinion, regardless of the diagnosis, AS or otherwise.
Did you read the whole thread?
In simple terms, I have no problem with the ones who are investigating and wondering if they do have aspergers.
I DO have a problem with those who show little to no symptoms going on you tube attempting to educate on a subject of aspergers as someone who is self diagnosed and all they talk about is social akwardness yet are able to stare straight in the camera and seemingly aren't bothered by attention seeking.
It's giving more false impressions of an already taboo subject which is less taboo now that the media is all over it and celebrities who are also bashed for their misrepresentation.
You're reading an awful lot into someone's ability to look into a lens. It isn't a human face, it doesn't respond, and one doesn't always think of the audience when recording for self. I agree that there are those whose actions are detrimental, and can appreciate your frustration... but your initial post really rubbed me the wrong way in how it came out. You're no more qualified than they are to make a determination, and you can't control what others do.
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
There are. The symptoms are "behavioural" in origin; which is the same with any medical condition (the behaviour of viruses interacting with the host body is no different than a person interacting with its host society). Seeing how someone interacts with the world and other objects/people around them is no different than looking into a microscope.
Whether the professional is looking at a person or into a microscope, it depends on the skill of the professional to determine how accurate said looking will be.
ok this is a description of a subjective test for AS. like i say there is no objective test for AS.
the debate will continue until there is.
a great civilisation cannot be conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within- W. Durant
I think that a diagnosis is neither necessary nor sufficient to have AS. However I think that people that are self diagnosis should just keep this suspicion to themselves or perhaps online forums, and do not go on making videos, or claiming to people that they got AS, simple reason, it will aid those b*st*r* out there justify their belief AS is an invented condition that came from geeks trying to make up excuses for their bad social skills.
The people to blame for the "geeks making excuses" stereotype are the ones who use that stereotype against people, not the ones who are targets or potential targets of it. When I have seen the "geeks making excuses" stereotype used, it has always been against people who were genuinely autistic and trying to explain, for instance, why they took something literally. And it's always been used by people trying to put someone else down. Their desire to put someone else down, their desire not to be understanding at all towards autistic people, is what fuels the stereotypes, and all the "geeks making excuses" (if they even exist) disappearing overnight won't change the stereotype one bit. Because the people who make it generate it in their own head and apply it to real autistic people. So they are seeing "geeks making excuses" everywhere where they don't even exist.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
Agreed there. A camera lens is a camera lens. It's an object. People have to actually be taught not to look at video cameras, because if you do even for a second, it artificially enhances the effect that you are somehow staring at the viewer. I have not seen the video in question but I bet that artificial enhancement is what is being read wrong by someone who is unaware of that effect. And it takes effort to think of an audience while recording something, at least for me. A lot of people, me included, don't make videos "to get attention", we make them to communicate things it's easier for us to communicate in that manner than others. Or because we think they look neat.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
Someone who has Asperger's and is not officially dx'ed can easily find out what a therapist would do to dx them and can often do it better than a therapist. This is not science. There are no blood tests. There are behaviors that are self reported to a therapist.
If someone knows they have it and do not want to be dxed because :
1. Could prevent them from joining the military
2. Could prevent them from being able to immigrate
3. Could cause them distress in other ways
4. They cannot afford a therapist-
There are many reasons why someone may not want an official dx.
Anyone who really has ASP is smart enough to find out how therapists do it. There are many books and forms that they give you when you are dxed that you can find.
If someone wants to be ASP, let them. If it helps them figure out why they are the way they are, that's their business.
1. Could prevent them from joining the military
2. Could prevent them from being able to immigrate
3. Could cause them distress in other ways
4. They cannot afford a therapist-
5. They will lose the mental health portion of their health care. My HMO specifically excludes "treatment for autism and autism related conditions." Since autism is not treatable in adults, that only leaves autism related conditions, the co-morbids, anxiety, depression.
"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
As in the whole orchards resonant with bees."
- Emerson
If someone knows they have it and do not want to be dxed because :
1. Could prevent them from joining the military
2. Could prevent them from being able to immigrate
3. Could cause them distress in other ways
4. They cannot afford a therapist-
There are many reasons why someone may not want an official dx.
Anyone who really has ASP is smart enough to find out how therapists do it. There are many books and forms that they give you when you are dxed that you can find.
If someone wants to be ASP, let them. If it helps them figure out why they are the way they are, that's their business.
Pretty good points.
I survived going in and getting out of the Army, all before my diagnosis.
Heck it was the VA that diagnosed me, and keeps me pumped up with AD's and therapy.
Your other reasons are a sad side effect of the disastrous health care system we have now, and I can't see a mental issue like this stopping one from being able to immigrate. Heck we can all fake it, at least for a while, right?
Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!
1. Could prevent them from joining the military
2. Could prevent them from being able to immigrate
3. Could cause them distress in other ways
4. They cannot afford a therapist-
5. They will lose the mental health portion of their health care. My HMO specifically excludes "treatment for autism and autism related conditions." Since autism is not treatable in adults, that only leaves autism related conditions, the co-morbids, anxiety, depression.
This is insane.
Still grateful.
" you really think you're in control...?"
Diagnosis: uncertain.
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