So why is there no psychopath awareness?
XFilesGeek wrote:
Dan_Undiagnosed wrote:
Teyverus wrote:
Whoah, WHOAH, Dan_Undiagnosed! "Who would join the military and police?" Seriously?
I can understand not liking police: Some of them are on the take, especially near the mexican border. Some of them are a**holes, but hey, that's the human population- of course they'd be represented there too. Even the military: some of them are dumba**es, and not many of them are of the enlisted persuasion. But to imply to be either is to be a psychopath? The nicest person I've ever met is a military cop. Blanket statements when regarding living creatures are never a good thing.
I can understand not liking police: Some of them are on the take, especially near the mexican border. Some of them are a**holes, but hey, that's the human population- of course they'd be represented there too. Even the military: some of them are dumba**es, and not many of them are of the enlisted persuasion. But to imply to be either is to be a psychopath? The nicest person I've ever met is a military cop. Blanket statements when regarding living creatures are never a good thing.
I take your point but a certain type of person is usually drawn to a profession where there is the likelihood of gunning another person down. The special forces community especially is seen by some psychologists as being rife with 'pro social' psychopaths. They're the people who can keep a lid on the more self destructive traits of anti social PD but can still cut a Taliban member's throat then get to a deep dark restful sleep that night without so much as a stir. Politicians, advertising and the corporate world are also thought to exhibit higher levels of antisocial PD than the general population. We're still talking a minority of people in those fields but they often rise to the top and direct the culture and direction of these fields. It's why we in the west can scream freedom, democracy and peace while blowing up women and kids by the tens of thousands. The political, corporate, media and military worlds are stacked with the right psychos to get the job done.
I was in the military and I am definitely not a psychopath.........

I never said you are.
cubedemon6073 wrote:
Dan_Undiagnosed wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
Check this guy out. He is a sociopath himself. He has been talking about us aspies.
Wow, he even admitted he claims to be aspie sometimes. I wonder if he ever posted here.
BTW I saw your post being quoted here: ... dback.html
You're famous.

Well indeed, the game is afoot. I was wrong about this sociopath's gender. This sociopath is a she and she has been on Dr. Phil as well.
She likes to go by M.E. Thomas.
I watched a clip of her on Dr Phil. She seems like a total idiot. She could even be faking it just to make money, which in itself would be pretty callous. But she uses anonymity and so there's no way to confirm her diagnosis nor her stories about burning bridges in her life every 2-3 years. In fact if she had been diagnosed why would she say she was diagnosed as a sociopath? I thought the psychological community now preferred to say anti social personality disorder.
Because she has narcissistic tendencies and she claims to hate narcissists. Go figure! She is a walking contradiction which she has successfully portrayed.
Maybe she doesn't have the self awareness to know she has the tenancies. Go figure.
I rather find it amusing.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
Dan_Undiagnosed wrote:
Teyverus wrote:
Whoah, WHOAH, Dan_Undiagnosed! "Who would join the military and police?" Seriously?
I can understand not liking police: Some of them are on the take, especially near the mexican border. Some of them are a**holes, but hey, that's the human population- of course they'd be represented there too. Even the military: some of them are dumba**es, and not many of them are of the enlisted persuasion. But to imply to be either is to be a psychopath? The nicest person I've ever met is a military cop. Blanket statements when regarding living creatures are never a good thing.
I can understand not liking police: Some of them are on the take, especially near the mexican border. Some of them are a**holes, but hey, that's the human population- of course they'd be represented there too. Even the military: some of them are dumba**es, and not many of them are of the enlisted persuasion. But to imply to be either is to be a psychopath? The nicest person I've ever met is a military cop. Blanket statements when regarding living creatures are never a good thing.
I take your point but a certain type of person is usually drawn to a profession where there is the likelihood of gunning another person down. The special forces community especially is seen by some psychologists as being rife with 'pro social' psychopaths. They're the people who can keep a lid on the more self destructive traits of anti social PD but can still cut a Taliban member's throat then get to a deep dark restful sleep that night without so much as a stir. Politicians, advertising and the corporate world are also thought to exhibit higher levels of antisocial PD than the general population. We're still talking a minority of people in those fields but they often rise to the top and direct the culture and direction of these fields. It's why we in the west can scream freedom, democracy and peace while blowing up women and kids by the tens of thousands. The political, corporate, media and military worlds are stacked with the right psychos to get the job done.
you're more likely to kill people and get away with it just driving a car. i'm no fan of the military, but i know plenty of people that got in because they had what seemed like no other options in life, didn't think there would be a war and thought it would help them get a college degree and improve their and their families lives. the number of vets lives that are ruined by PTSD speaks highly too just how many people are not psychopaths.
otoh, i agree that it appears there are people that seem like psychopaths in powerful positions and there surely are, but our society is geared to favor and promote a paternalistic "father knows best" attitude where it is socially acceptable to assert control over people if "it's for their own good" you combine that with a culture that rewards and praises material wealth above all things and you end up with people who are encouraged to act like psychopaths that aren't.
i find that science, mathematics, and medicine attracts a very diverse group of people, but a large portion of those people seem to me to display more psychopathic behavior than any other fields, except maybe stock traders and lawyers.

League_Girl wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
Dan_Undiagnosed wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
Check this guy out. He is a sociopath himself. He has been talking about us aspies.
Wow, he even admitted he claims to be aspie sometimes. I wonder if he ever posted here.
BTW I saw your post being quoted here: ... dback.html
You're famous.

Well indeed, the game is afoot. I was wrong about this sociopath's gender. This sociopath is a she and she has been on Dr. Phil as well.
She likes to go by M.E. Thomas.
I watched a clip of her on Dr Phil. She seems like a total idiot. She could even be faking it just to make money, which in itself would be pretty callous. But she uses anonymity and so there's no way to confirm her diagnosis nor her stories about burning bridges in her life every 2-3 years. In fact if she had been diagnosed why would she say she was diagnosed as a sociopath? I thought the psychological community now preferred to say anti social personality disorder.
Because she has narcissistic tendencies and she claims to hate narcissists. Go figure! She is a walking contradiction which she has successfully portrayed.
Maybe she doesn't have the self awareness to know she has the tenancies. Go figure.
I rather find it amusing.
Here is where the plot thickens and I know now she is watching. I hope she does read it because I think it is time to call her out on her hypocrisy. She says she wants acceptance for sociopaths just like we aspies want acceptance as well. Yet, she is a sociopath who can't stand narcissists and would deny them acceptance as well. She calls us out on our hypocrisy but it seems like we have a pot calling kettle black situation.
This is all so intriguing to me. It seems like no matter what one neurotype is the neurotypes seem to develop a belief system that is inconsistent. Why? It seems like we're all hypocrites in someway. I wonder if hypocrisy is a part of human nature. Fascinating!
I want to understand more. The more I think I know the more I realize the little I actually do know.
She said that Aspies and Sociopaths are distant cousins. It is said that modern humanity came from a mitochondria eve. If this is true maybe there is some truth to what she says but with the added caveat that all of humanity may be distantly related.