Sensory things that drive you nuts that no one else gets...

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11 Jan 2009, 10:46 pm

pakled wrote:
Elevator/restraunt/grocery store Muzak. I can't ignore it (but would I like to). I'll hear part of a commercial, and the song gets stuck in me head.

There's a place at work where 2 high-speed motors are running, at a minor third note from each other. It sounds just like 'Du Haste Mich' (sp?), so I'm usually having German hard rock going through my head whenever I work in that building...;)

I had to stop seeing one of my doctors because her office always played music like that. Actually, I've had to stop seeing a lot of doctors for that reason.

I'd like to tell them to turn it off, but I always get the feeling it would go down like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest.

*McMurphy asks Nurse Ratched to turn the music off*
Nurse Ratched: *sweetly* But that music is for everyone!

There have been at least two I've stopped seeing directly for that reason and probably more that were subconsciously for something like that.

And I'm another person who can't be hugged. I hate it because I have an aunt and uncle who live out of state and everytime they come visit... I have to hug them. There's no getting out of it. Then I also dread peoples' birthdays because there's the obligatory hug.

I especially hate "huggers", those people who have to hug you every damned time they see you. Oh! I'm meeting you! *hug* Oh! You're leaving? *hug* Oh! Something good happened? *hug* Something bad happened? *hug* It's Tuesday? *hug*

For the most part, I lost a lot of those when I passed 18 but there was a girl I used to be in a drama group with who was just so touchy feely I wanted to be incredibly mean to her on purpose (nice girl otherwise though, so I felt bad) just so she wouldn't want to hug me.


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11 Jan 2009, 11:05 pm

Red and blue contrasted together hurts my eyes. Unfortunately, toy manufacturers put that color combination in a lot of things to 'stimulate' the baby's developing brain. Yeah, right. :roll:

God apparently has a dark sense of humor by making me sensitive to sounds and giving me a child who loves making chaotic crashing noises. :lol:

Apathy is a dominant gene. Mutate.

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11 Jan 2009, 11:19 pm

the place I work at sells clothes along with various "sporting goods" items. I find myself running my hands over shirts and so on looking/feeling for a comfy fabric.

like visualvox said

"on a bad day just about anything"

"Was that country music on when you got here?"


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11 Jan 2009, 11:26 pm

The president's choice asiago artichoke dip: It is just disturbing enough in the things I hate about it (texture and taste) that it becomes the most interesting and addicting thing I can eat. I cannot get enough of it because of how it plays on things I don't like in a way that makes them interesting, and makes me feel like I'm eating on the edge of what I can stand eating. Its an amazing dip. I'm gonna go buy some the next time I'm shopping and get some crackers or something to go with it.

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12 Jan 2009, 1:46 am

The biggest thing I can't deal with is any variation on stickers or wrappers (so labels, price tags, candy wrappers, wet paper, static-y paper, etc). I can't handle the feeling of any of these things, I totally freak out. I have to open wrappers and packages in very particular ways in order to minimize the unpleasant feeling and reduce the risk that any piece of it will rip off and end up touching me. As a kid I would physically attack anyone who brought any of these things near me (especially the girl who wouldn't listen to my warnings to stay AWAY from me with the sticker from her orange...). Heck, I nearly accidentally hit a co-worker who wrote a note on a candy wrapper and threw it at me over my shoulder when I started waving my arms from the panic, and that was just last year.

Ditto on the wood touching teeth or tongue thing, and the cornflour thing... soooooo yucky feeling!


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12 Jan 2009, 3:31 am

High pitched whining machinary
Tinny mobile ringtones (I was once at an aspie conference and the woman behind me had her phone going off about 4 times. Umm. Hello :roll: There should be a rule against that.)
Meetings where the chairs are packed so close you are robbing shoulders with the sweaty person next to you. ( And yes it happened at the same conference :roll: :evil: )
Monotone humming
Tuneless high pitched whistling.
Yelling and screaming.
People who sneak up behind you and start a conversation 2 inches from your ear. ( Death wish if ever there was one)
Buzzing from stereo speakers when the unit is left on standby.
Buzzing from printers
Coffee grinders and cappuchino machines. (Gimmee instant any day)
Compulsive huggers.
People that laugh like gallahs


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12 Jan 2009, 3:33 am

If I didn't wear glasses that smooth the image in front of me these things would irritate me: daylight, well lit rooms, pc and laptop screens, black writing on white paper, white paper, high res photos.

I can't stand certain noises too. A few nights ago I was watching a band in a pub and the music was so loud I felt like I couldn't focus on the band. The bright lights were no help too. And there was a blackboard with upcoming gigs - way too much information at once. Is that also sensory? I get that feeling when I open a menu; there's just too much information.

I hate hearing someone chew and crush a paper bag. Oh and crunching on ice - I can't stand it! My mum thinks I need to learn to tolerate people. She'll never understand.

Lastly, my class was taken backstage of this theatre and there were fluorescent lights everywhere. My eyes almost fell out! The pain was huge and I thought I went blind. I didn't have glasses back then. I'm not sure if they would have helped.

Tufted Titmouse
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12 Jan 2009, 4:59 am

Sudden loud noises especially coughing, will kill me, i used to have a heart condition i think, because of this, but it has miraculously
healed for some reason.
I use special noise blocking headphones to prevent it from hurting me though, as it will trigger my other condition, which is seizures
due to sounds.
You can imagine how people can make use of this if i am not aware of AS or Autism, to do behavioural controlling on me
or to make me give up on something... i think all of you will understand what i am trying to say


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12 Jan 2009, 5:30 am

A lot of them are sounds:

phone ringing,
door knocking,
motorcycles going down the street,
the sound of fireworks,
guns or things that sound like guns,
other types of banging or booming,
those cars that go down the street with way too much bass,
noises I hear from outside, etc...

Some others are:

The feeling of wearing wet shoes & socks :? . OMG, I can't deal with that feeling.
Also the feeling of wet clothing... other than bathing suits

Brightness (bright lights, sunshine, etc.)... brightly lit rooms especially, for some reason. My therapist has her office brightly lit & it makes me very uncomfortable to be in it.
Fluorescent lighting gives me migraines :cry:

The feeling of a popsicle stick or those wooden things doctors use, in my mouth. OMG. I tried clarinet as a kid & we had to use wooden reeds & they totally bothered me.

The feeling of crewneck shirts or any rough, thick material on my skin.

The feeling of my hands in dishwater.

I also hate the sound the orcs make in LOTR. OMG it killsme.

Among other things...

?Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.? _Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)

Tufted Titmouse
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12 Jan 2009, 5:40 am

And oh yea, i absolutely hate wearing shirts of a certain fabric. I just have to wear a T-shirt inside
otherwise i will go crazy. The rubbing of the cloth on my skin can kill me ouch.
People will ask me questions like "wow it is so hot today and you are wearing something inside" and btw i hail from
the tropics.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Jan 2009, 5:43 am

Oddly Specific. I hate the feel of carpet on my feet. I an touch it with my hands ok but have to wear slippers or socks.
I don't like people moving their hands across me. I can cope with hugs if they keep their hands still. Why do girls have to stroke my arm, it's like a million cockroaches crawling across my skin. I'm thankful so few girls like me :)


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12 Jan 2009, 5:44 am

Car air fresheners, how people can tolerate them i do not know never mind like the smell.
Cleaning agents with amonia (it smells like wee)
My legs touching especially at night
Bright sun light
Some shop lighting
Seeing someone elses poo in a public toilet and the smell.

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12 Jan 2009, 9:33 am

Yesterday my brother was waving his phone in my face trying to get me to watch something on it, and I hate things being shoved right up in my face, so I knocked it out of his hand, LOL. I'd laugh if it broke, it'd serve Mum right for buying him an expensive phone and giving me her second-hand one (long story).

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12 Jan 2009, 12:23 pm

TV squeal (yay to LCDs and plasmas!)
Too much fluorescent lights
Lots of touching when not turned on already (lips, etc.)


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12 Jan 2009, 1:48 pm

turbohappy wrote:
TV squeal (yay to LCDs and plasmas!)

I know what you mean, that always bothers me! When I went on holiday to Wales I was chucked back into the past (metaphorically) with a tiny old "box TV" as I call them and I couldnt watch it properly with that squeal! I think the reason it was so bad was because I am so used to LCD TVs, but I guess having over sensitive hearing dont help!


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12 Jan 2009, 2:43 pm

I can't wear socks on carpeting. I either have to be barefoot or have my bare feet in slippers if I'm cold. It's just the combination of socks + carpet + the socks rubbing my feet just drives me nuts.