This site has definately made me realize how very human we are, and how we have many more similarities to non-autistics than differences, especially when one of the main differences, communication difficulties, is at least partly removed as it is on here. We have many of the same wants and needs, and tend to act in similar ways, and at the same time we are all unique-we all have different skills and interests and ways of looking at things, our ideas and beliefs come from all different points on the broad political/philosophical spectrum, we have a diverse range of religious/spiritual beliefs or lack thereof, and we all bring with us different experiences and ways of dealing with them. It really makes me realize how misleading and confining labels can be. Sometimes they're necessary for convenience, but the rest of the time they don't let you see the big picture or dig deeper into things.
Sites like these are wonderful and definately help a lot, but I wouldn't say they totally fulfill my need necessarily, since nothing beats seeing a person face to face. If it weren't for this site I probably would have never met a significant other because I'm just too shy and nervous (and more importantly I wouldn't have met my fiance specifically, I can't imagine being with anyone other than him), but on the other hand I also find communicating online a bit more intimidating and not quite as fulfilling as in real life. On here, it's so easy to see someone as something abstract rather than a real person-for instance, it's so easy for a whole person to become, in someone's mind, one of their ideas, and that makes it easier to judge them and to attack and/or criticize them and harder to empathize with them, whereas if you saw someone as a whole person standing in front of you, it would probably be different and more civil. Or maybe not, I'm not sure. People probably tend to be more blunt and direct online too, and I'm not saying it's wrong because it's a good thing in a way, but it tends to make me uncomfortable and nervous because I'm so sensitive that way.