Hi there, my name is James. This is my first time writing an internet blog so I don't really know if it will be much good or not.
I have been diagnosed since I was 7 years old, so I guess I am lucky in alot of ways. I have always despised being labled as aspergeric, and have tried many times to go off my medication and even disputing the validity of the diagnosis. I have been in denial about my condition for a long time, and I still don't know if I agree with it.
I have few friends, I hate connecting with any group of people. I have always thought of myself as too advanced to hang around other aspies but not so advanced as to hang around NT's. Last night I met an old highschool friend, followed him to an aquitence's place where we played a bit of poker. I got drunk, made a fool of myself, got angry and drove home with a BAC of 0.09.
I am a chornic attention seeker. I both want to fit in with people, but find myself making a fool of myself when the pressure gets to me. the trouble is I am not a victim. I know the rules, but very often I choose to ignore them, if that means I am insane then I want to be insane.
I have very limited interest in people, and regularly snap at my friends. I have lost alot of friends and potential lovers because I have acted too much like a child and because people don't fit my expections, or have a life outside of me. i am very possessive which has made me think i sometimes treat people like objects. this has caused me to doubt my feelings about people. I worry that if i don't care for people that I will be a monster.
i hate and love people, as I hate and love myself. i see people as many shades of gray. I want to be normal but i despise it as well. I am alone, i don't know if I have aspergers.
i hate the way we are labled aspergeric. i hate westurn psychairtry with it's drugs and it's oppression and manipulation. I hate being labled, i hate the idea that some has taken my life out of my hands. I don't know how much of my anger is justified and how much is self pity, i don't know if i have a right to angry.
Guys do these sound like the words of an Aspie, I don't f*****g know!! !