I personally think that's the best online aspie test out there. However, with any of these tests, it can be hard to answer some of the questions, and some of them just don't apply. I have trouble with questions that are based on what other people think(?!) or what they tell me, like, "Others tell me that I have strange habits". People don't tell me anything; That's part of the problem. I've never had a social group of people who know me well enough to take the liberty of pointing out things that they notice. And I have no idea what other people think of me. People could be sitting around right now, thinking, "Oh that Elderwanda is a piece of work, isn't she?" but I doubt it. How the heck would I know?
Some questions just cause my brain to freeze, and I don't know how to even conceptualize it, let alone answer it, like, "I solve problems in odd ways." I don't know! Give me an example of a problem and let's see how I solve it. I can't just think of "how I solve problems." Or "It's hard for me to work out people's intentions?" Again, I don't know. I never think about people's intentions...unless they change lanes without signalling. What kind of intentions do people have that I'm supposed to be trying to "work out"?
So, I struggle with a lot of those, and put what feels right at the time, which is sometimes "I don't know".
I've taken it many times, because that's one of my weird things that I do. I always get between 131 and 140 for the AS traits, and something like 60 for the NT traits. It always says, "You might be an aspie."