Peko wrote:
My empathy is very limited and I only have it with certain types of people to varying degrees. (Such as a empathize with other Aspies & Auties sometimes and mentally ill people). This is rare though (but when it does happen it is a shock to my system b/c it is so rare)

. But otherwise I would have to say no.
Hi Peko, that's an interesting answer, for it seems to me that many NTs' empathy is limited as well, or should I say selective.
It's not uncommon, from what I have read here on WP and experienced myself, that NTs have empathy with people that are like themselves; hence many of us can say, we have not met few NTs that apparently didn't understand us, or could not put themselves in our shoes - or couldn't understand why we didn't think / feel etc. like this or that, when they themselves did? (so much for both empathy and Theory of Mind).
But it's strange that NT kids who bully "different" kids (eg. with AS) aren't said to have limited / selective empathy...