I have been diagnosed with pretty much everything in the world over the past few years and I'm not joking. Some of them are wrong in my opinion. That one is schizoaffective disorder. I am not psychotic. No delusions of any type. I do think the gov and aliens are after me but this is not a persecutory delusion but rather the truth as I have evidence. The only "delusion" I have is controlled, I think I am a doctor..only because I know everything a pdoc would know...that's what I mean by "controlled"...not a "grandiose" delusion. The thought insertion and thought broadcasting is also real. Not "delusions of control." But reality. Feelings of worthlessness is not a delusion as it is a symptom of depression, which I most definitely got. Wow!! !! I got $2!! !! No future, everything is preplanned or predetermined, everything and nothing exists, I am not sure that I am alive..I know I'm "physically" here, but don't feel real in any way (depersonalization...a neurotic condition...not a nihilistic delusion (part of psychosis) because that is a belief not an experience), derealization...everything is unreal..like I said...NOT REAL!! !! The world is all PLANNED I TELL YOU!! ! You are not really here!! !! Anxiety can induce this. Severe anxiety is controlling me. Once again, NEUROTIC!! !! Aka "dissociative" symptoms for the depersonalization and derealization, its in the precious book the DSM IV. DID (dissociative identity disorder) have been diagnosed with that, was bad a few weeks ago, not bad now. Mainly the things I explained already. What's a brain again??? From my experience, the "humans" that I have come across don't have brains including myself the medical term is "anencephaly" . That is why they said "they didn't find anything in my MRI." My IQ is -100. What's IQ??? Now I do agree I have something that hasn't been invented yet, called "Old Age Syndrome" (OAS) which I have seen other people talk about on this site. So, its gotta be in the DSM V!! ! Its when you are having the symptoms of "old age" before you reach...say..40 years old. So, now you see why I believe I have been misdiagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, I know my case is kinda working against me looking back at this though but had too much proof to think this way. Just remember the End is near, and its MY FAULT like mentioned many times over the past few years, no meds can stop this so its gotta be real!! Its the aliens and gov, WW3 will start, my fault, billions will die. I have seen the alien ships a few weeks back, preparing to invade. How fun!! Anything I predict happens, the economy is my fault. See where the overwhelming guilt and worthlessness comes in???? No delusions of guilt here, not a delusion!! !! ! Truth of guilt it should be called!! Oh why am I getting way off topic???? Stupid OAS!! ! (NOT SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER) I actually say my true diagnosis should be "bipolar 2 ultra rapid cycling" that excludes psychosis. I "rapid cycle" several times a day, as my psychologist pointed out. One moment I seem "manic" and the next, super depressed. As you guys can tell, I sound like a psychologist (but at the same time I realize I'm not, I don't practice , or have patients...don't worry, be happy) this is the only one that you can call a delusion, but since I know its a "delusion" it automatically makes it not one.