Hovis wrote:
I often wonder this. How much of what I think of as 'me' is due to, or affected by AS, and how much would be the same if I were completely NT? I think that once the question arises in your mind, you can begin to constantly second-guess/analyze yourself.
How I like to describe it is: imagine if you always assumed that you were a cat, and had simply put the fact that you liked to eat carrots, when most cats were uninterested, down to a personal quirk. Then you find out that you are, in fact, a rabbit, that liking carrots is quite common for rabbits, and when you speak to someone who knows a lot about rabbits, they are not in the least surprised that you like carrots. And you ask yourself: "Do I like carrots because I am me, or is it simply the rabbit-wiring in my brain that predisposes me to liking carrots?"
Sounds very Ugly Duckling.