Greentea wrote:
I guess the time is not far when admission to university will be based on an MRI study of your brain.
The Soviets would poke and prod and test little kids to find the things that they were best suited for according to the data, and then be groomed from childhood to go into those occupations. The system was used to determine which sport Olympic athletes would train in. It was efficient, but it of course totally ignored the wishes of the kid, who of course was brainwashed from birth to believe that he was doing what he should be doing. The danger is in fusing such a system with eugenics, and saying that only people with Profile X are allowed to breed with people of the same profile. The Soviets had a deep hatred for eugenics, which had been used by the Nazis as justification for exterminating most of Eastern Europe. America loves eugenics. If something like that ever got going, we'd either end up with superhumans or genetically brittle people. Maybe both. Some people have argued that autism is evolution trying to make a more specialized human, not necessarily a superior one but one more suited to fast changing technologies. Autistics DO have an inclination towards technology. Then there's the idea that kids who are suited for certain occupations are a threat to the regime or useless and must be exterminated.