Aimless wrote:
I think the guy felt ignored and his ego couldn't handle it. Once I was doing laundry at a laundromat and I was putting clothes into two top loaders when the attendant told me the front loaders were more economical. I said "Oh" wondering why he was telling me. When I left to go to the corner restaurant to get a cup of coffee he came out and screamed at me that if I wasn't back by the time the wash cycle was done he was going to throw my clothes in the trash. I was shaking with shock and anger-I went back when the wash was done to drive a bunch of wet clothes to another laundromat to dry them. Later someone told me he was asking me to move my clothes because it was busy and he needed more top loaders available. I guess because you can fit two loads in a front loader. Anyway all he had to do was explain what he needed.
Yeah, I could see how that could be a misunderstanding. He was being subtle about wanting to use a top-load washer.
This, though... I still can't figure out how that could be acceptable behavior on his part, even in a purely NT world. Either he truly thought I was deaf and thought I wouldn't be able to hear his last comment, or he was trying to incite me.
It probably didn't help that I originally heard him say, "You're stuffing it down, partner," and I took that to be a comment on my appearance... even though I had no idea what this meant. I am, by no standards, overweight. Unless this was some sort of joke? Then I deduced that he must have been commenting about the carnival. When I got there, they were indeed shutting it down.
"That leap of logic should have broken his legs." - Janissy