Or was your autistic child's difficult or high risk?
as the evidence really suggests, difficult pregnancies have a righer risk of autism occurrence (and many birth defects as well)
as far as me, i slid out exactly to the day at 9 months, lol...nary a problem with my mom's pregnancy as she states it.....i drank 4 ounces of milk my first feeding, lmao.............the nurse was shocked!!
my 7 yr old son, who is a moderate autistic, little different story here
my wife late in her pregnancy developed pre-eclampsia (toxemia)....we caught it pretty quick as her legs swelled up like crazy and her blood pressure was slightly elevated ,130/90........she had no blood sugar problems
she was c-sectioned 2 weeks before due date......everything went fine, son was 8lbs 6 oz...............he ate like crazy too, lol
so now i was 42 when my son was conceived, and my wife was a higher risk pregnancy....now i can see how this stuff happens.......wheew!
guys, sorry to be such a nosey dude...but i need to get to the bottom of things and this site is an unbelievable, vast, neverending wealth of experience and knowledge.i thank you all for your participation in my threads
Some of your greatest accompolishments are the direct results of your greatest failures. Some of your greatest failures are the direct results of your greatest accompolishments.......AnAutisticMind