waltur wrote:
i agree completely with kasanova.
i really dislike when people try to relate just to explain why it shouldn't be a problem.
it's almost like i'm walking slow because i have a broken leg and need crutches, and they're saying "i sprained my ankle yesterday and i'm walking just fine." no sh** you're walking just fine. you sprained your ankle. i broke my leg.
worse yet is when people try to "make you feel better" by marginalizing your symptoms or using how well you cope to say that you "got better" when you grew up or never had these problems in the first place.
I agree. i have struggled so much with life and glib 'identification" from others really hurts.
eg. "What...you feel different? hey. me too. get out there and get it together. We're all a little different......" hmmm.
They do so and then zoosh off in their nice car to go and meet a bunch of friends, have a bite to eat and catch a movie and then go off to work which is running at a huge profit....yeah....sure....they know EXACTLY what it feels like to really be a fish out of water.. at age 46 sitting in my bedroom on a single bed wtih a teddy bear and collected elephants and brass objects on the dresser and the obsessive drawings over on the table and clutter everywhere today and no-one around because it is too tiring except online.....