War on Terror Subgenius Rant
A Rant: "Why They Hate Us" by Dr. Philo Drummond
From: "Philo at Hotmail" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Wed, Oct 31, 2001 12:38 AM
Why They Hate Us.
Of course you know this is all BS and I don't really mean any of it but here's my two cents on why they hate us anyway. The real reason they hate us is simple. We are better than they are. Yep, we are better than they are and they know it and, sadly to say, we're ashamed of it.
I use the term "better" in this sense, more quantitative than qualitative. It's natural selection in action only we just get to see a little slice of it. Macroeconomics drives it all, "the invisible hand", as it were. Ignorance of
it's power won't lessen it's effects.
Because of the success of our culture, success being measured by acquisition of material wealth and it's by-product; political control. We are more highly "naturally selected" for a variety of reasons that are a by-product of our culture. They don't realize that, but like all less highly "naturally selected" cultures, they sense it. Because it foretells the demise of their backward culture, one that is only successful when they have an abysmally poor populace controlled by hucksters who've managed to focus their poverty driven hatred because thay had us as a handy target. Too bad everybody can't win. Being truly great is very difficult -- it's the hardest thing there is to do. (Ultimate True Slack is attained when successful, though).
The guy at the top is always an easy target. And there's always sombody who will try to knock him down. And it's lonely up there because everybody hates you and you don't have any friends telling you how cool you are unless they're just trying to get into your pockets. Or pull you down. History is chock-full of examples.
That's why we can never make friends with them, because no matter how bad we may want to believe we can make everyone happy and get along in one world harmony, they don't believe it...or even consider it for that matter. It's our own exclusive weakness. It goes with the success of our culture and another of it's by-products; leisure time. We have had too much leisure time and too good a life, at least potentially, some have taken greater advantage of it than others. And don't confuse leisure time with Slack, which is a personal experience by nature and difficult to measure because of it's extreme variabilty. Nobody has figured out how to get accurate readings.
Maybe we'll get to "experience the difference" of this new culture shift, or
maybe our kids will. We're so ashamed of what we have we don't even care when others want to take it away from us. In fact, we feel obligated and out of style if we don't help them gut the warehouse and give away the pieces to the most needy. The main thing is we will just probably do what the crowd does. That's the nature of "the invisible hand".
Hey, let's give a dollar to some poor people, just make sure they're not middle-eastern. Wear a ribbon. Slap on a few flags. Woah, don't forget about the kids. It will make little difference 63,244 years from now.
But, hey, what the hell do I know?
One of the few reasons as to why I would hate someone would be because they "THINK" they are superior to me, and then start throwing it around.
American president(s) "think" that america is superior, and so do a mass majority of it's inhabitants. Thats all and well, being proud is cool, but when we start to "pick on" "weaker" countries becasuse we think we have the right to due to our "superiority", thats going overboard.
- that is why these "weaker" countries hate us.
Its not that I think I am the superior, its just taht snobby stuck up prissy bitching thing that I don't like that usually comes with their views.
Then again, I can't justify hate in any term, and I am not approving if violence because of this. But if I were to, this would be why.
I think part of the answer lies in history. From the time Islam was first created into the middle ages, the people who practiced it where enlightened and made great strides in many subjects including mathematics and medicine. Nations with Islamic rulers tolerated other religions well. But with the start of the crusades all of that began to change; Christianity began to spread and Europe became a dominant force. These middle eastern countries then reverted inward. I think the global colonization of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century also devastated these nations, often robbing them of their resources so their occupiers could grow richer at the expense of the people; this created great resentment, poverty, and unrest which makes people very vulnerable to extremism-this is how dictators come into power. I think that this is why we see so much instability in countries that were formerly colonies of Europe and this is also why there is hatred of the West in these countries. Since the Islamic nations were suppressed and turned inward, and because there was unrest, some of the people became vulnerable to religious extremism. If this is the case, U.S foreign policy isn't doing much to help, and the problem will take years to solve.
An interesting point is that Turkey, Malaysia and the Phillipines have large, economically powerful muslim populations... which do not hate America...
Midge is right... the hatred comes from economic and political weakness... like the KKK in white-trash America... or sub-level university undergrads joining terrorist cults...
The hatred comes from economic and political powerlessness...
The common people in Turkey, Malaysia and the Phillipines hardly ever join terrorist groups because they have agreeable trading relations with the western world, a stable economy and the bare foundations to build democracy and human rights...
The most politically and culturally stable parts of the Islamic world have virtually no terrorism... the weakest and most culturally stagnating parts have the most violence and pointless terrorism...
The way to defeat Palestinian or Iraqi terror is to give the common people a society they can be proud of... give them things like hospitals and vaccines or malaria drugs... if Palestine was trading money and had power of it's own the crazed Palestinian terrorists would do extinct...