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13 Jul 2006, 3:54 pm

So here we go. I was perusing the internet a few days ago and somehow came across a definition of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD henceforth). Then, of course, I hurried over to Wikipedia to give me a complete definition and it suddenly hit: This really sounds like me!

Now, I've already been diagnosed with AS about 4 years ago, but reading over these forums and talking to people I've kind of thought that I didn't just have AS. So I ask these questions, and I'm hoping that some people will be able to help me.

I was wondering if a majority of people with AS only feel uncomfortable in social situations because they don't like eye contact and can't maintain a good conversation (generally small talk from what I can understand). Oh, and also when there's a break in an established routine too. Is it just a simple uncomfortable feeling for people with just AS, or do you feel nervous/anxious/that you're being judged. For me, I'm usually great at holding small talk, and since I've started working on my eye contact and making a concious effort I'd say I was in the 'normal' (expected) range there. But I do feel like I'm being judged in a general sense, like when I'm out in public and such. There's no doubt that everybody judges eachother to a degree, but this actually makes me a bit afraid.

It's hard to explain how I can function well socially yet still feel a pretty serious fear and nervousness. I'm usually only really aware of it (to the point of it limiting me) when I enter a more closer friendship/potential relationship stage with a person. A few times I've put a stop to relationships-in-the-making because I have been afraid. So I ask, is this just a regular fear of the unknown (the whole idea of kissing and sex does make me nervous - so much room for error! What if I make a fool out of myself? How can I face them again? The potential damage and humiliation isn't worth the reward! etc etc). I do care quite alot of what people think of me, and I'm always trying to impress (not excessively or even overly so, just with humour etc when appropriate, though I do thrive at the attention).

If anyone can understand this ramble enough to give me a response, could I also ask for some advice? How can I overcome this relationship fear? I think it's about time. Thanks.


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13 Jul 2006, 4:17 pm

I'm 36 back in the earily 90's I felt I had SAD (social phobia then). Likely
a high percent of people with AS have SAD. Myself I love small talk and I have
learned to make eye contact more. Sure people that talked to me (when I'm
acting my best) would think I was normal. If Ijust be myself the number of
people that would think I'm normal would be small. I tend to avoid those places
and people I can not be myself around. Hence the SAD.


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13 Jul 2006, 6:49 pm

Nobody came up with any advice so I will make some wild guesses.
First you can get drugs to help with fear. I've used beta-blockers to
reduce the pounding in my heart in the past during social stress. I've not
use anti-anxiety drugs but many find them effective.


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14 Jul 2006, 12:22 pm

I have Asperger's and I'm only 11, but my behavioral symptoms have been better since I was 2 (when I was diagnosed). I feel comfortable in social situations, and I matain good eye contact. I have improved my social skills, and my coordination has been a whole lot better. If you need any help on anything I am a good person to ask :)

Emily Danielle Brown
a.k.a Captain_Brown