An undefined suggestive word was the point of it. People would just fill in whatever would horrify them as the meaning if they wanted to be horrified, demonstrating that people choose to be offended.
I trained myself to laugh and smile so people would know when I liked things, it took having a girlfriend to actually care enough about making sure I laughed at everything I found funny and smiled at everything I enjoyed because she got so happy seeing evidence of me happy that I couldn't help but want to do it, and now it is such a reflex I'm not even sure if I could turn it back off assuming I for some reason wanted to.
Facial manipulation has always been an important part of my humor, people have always really enjoyed it. It helped me develop facial musculature control, which I use to try and emote my emotional state some, but most of the time I prefer to just leave it as I'm either smiling, laughing, or neutral. I'm still horrible at reading emotion in others. Well, I take that back, I'm horrible at reading the emotion they want me to react to. I can read a whole bunch of emotional content, but I never know what stuff I'm supposed to acknowledge I can read in them, so I just pretend I don't see any of it. Except laughing, I know what laughing means.
I think my only naturally emoted states are degrees of contemplative, which gets misread as degrees of about to eat my children somehow, I guess unfamiliarity with seeing people that think about stuff. *Ba-Dum-Pshh* So I trained myself to laugh both in and out. Ahhh-Haaah Ahhh-Haahaaahaaa type thing. The funny thing is right from the beginning of teaching myself to have a laugh it felt natural like it was actually my laugh, I just had to teach myself when to use it because the connection between things that are laugh worthy and thing that laughs was missing.