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05 Jul 2009, 11:02 am

How far back do your memories go? I have vivid memories from as early two as years of age. Many NTs I know don't remember anything before age 5 or 6. I am wondering if it is due to the rapid brain growth experienced by those on the autism spectrum causing the memory part of our brain to develop earlier.


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05 Jul 2009, 11:06 am

My first memory is from when I turned 3. My NT sister has an even earlier first memory from when she was less than 2. Apparently, her memory has an emotional charge, so it stuck. Mine was completely unemotional, just some vague recollections.

"Asperge" is French for "asparagus". Therefore, I think I'm asparagus.


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05 Jul 2009, 11:19 am

I remember being in a pushchair going past my first primary school and saying "I can't wait to go to school!" (how quickly that changed once i'd actualy started :roll: )
Also when i changed schools at about 7, i was put in the year below the one i should have been in! this mistake was only discovered when in a lesson, the teacher was asking everyones birthdays! :oops: 8O

"You are very funny! you talk, but all i hear is silliness!" -Cat Face.


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05 Jul 2009, 11:21 am

I remember about 2 seconds of being under 2 at black pool. And I remember my second birthday when I was about to blow out the candles.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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05 Jul 2009, 11:24 am

I do recall my mother breast-feeding me, so I think my memories go far in the past.


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05 Jul 2009, 11:25 am

I have memories of being in a crib with a mobile hanging over it. I have a few vague memories of my grandfather who died when I was 2...Memories of various nursery schools I was in before I started kindergarten...some early talking memories where what I was thinking and what I could say didn't sync up..memories of um...being in high chairs at restaurants


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05 Jul 2009, 11:50 am

my memories go back to at least 2 years of age, and I have a few.

being at the edge of a pond on a foggy day, feeding geese. the geese were taller than I was, and scared me, so my dad picked me up and put me on a picnic table.

being at a house with a huge tortoise in the yard. my sister was a baby, so I was about 2. there was a narrow steep staircase in the house. my dad paced and smoked a pipe. I can still remember how it smelled.

my third birthday party, especially the cake, which was decorated with spongy little animals. I got a breyer cow.

I have lots of memories from the ages of 3-4:
- moving at night into a house with a black and white tile floor.
- my dad's car.
- watching rudolf the red-nosed reindeer and getting scared out of my mind at the abominable snowman.
- having insomnia and banging my feet against the wall. there was a full moon. I heard a voice outside the window tell me to go to sleep, which scared me and made me try hard to fall asleep. I thought it was God but found out years later it was my dad.
- taking a bath with my sister and pulling all the clean towels into the tub.
- my mom stepping out on my dad with a british sailor.
- hearing the doors' "light my fire" on the radio.
- trying to buy ice cream with rocks.

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05 Jul 2009, 11:52 am

I have a few memories of as early as 3, and a pretty decent memory from 5 or 6 onwards. My memories are all "videos" and emotions. I have a terribly hard time remembering sounds, words, facts, numbers.


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05 Jul 2009, 11:54 am

The very earliest memory I have, though vague in some aspects, was remembering crawling out of my crib by my own power, only to be put back in right away...I may have been only 2 1/2 at the time.

However, the 2 earliest instances that I do remember crystal clearly were in between the period of January to June of 1976, only months after my family moved to Wells (were I was a 'prisoner' for 33 years :P). The first had to do with engaging in frottage with every piece of furniture in the living room...even the first few carpeted stair steps on our staircase, while my parents and baby brother were taking a nap.

The second is by far the most beautiful, and not as's listening to my dad's tiny AM radio that looked like a bookshelf, and hearing the song "So Long Frank Lloyd Wright" by Simon and Garfunkel. Today, just hearing that song makes me feel so calm and at peace, reminding me of those happier innocent days. ^_^



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05 Jul 2009, 12:02 pm

I also remember watching the 1969 moon landing, with David Bowie singing "Space Oddity." I was born 1967.


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05 Jul 2009, 12:54 pm

My earliest memory is of seeing a young woman walking into the woods behind our house and thinking that I'd like to go there, too, and following her. The family dog at the time was a border collie mix named Bowser who used to herd me around the yard and I remember him sitting on me to keep me from going further into the woods. I was absolutely furious with that dog. My sister says that when they found me, Bowser was with me -- he heard them calling and ran out of the woods to get them -- and my diapers were caught in blackberry vines. I don't know how old I was at the time, but I was still crawling.




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05 Jul 2009, 12:54 pm

I remember visiting Windsor Castle and it had scaffolding all over it. I originally assumed that the scaffolding was there because of the severe fire in 1992, but Mum has since told me that we went BEFORE the fire around 91! I was only 2 years old! I also remember my yellow activity bear 'floating' off my bed in the middle of the night and leaving my bedroom... I later learned that my mum was attached to it... She had taken it off my bed because it was made of plastic and she was worried I would hurt myself! I must have only been 3.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )

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05 Jul 2009, 2:34 pm

I remember being in a pushchair so I must have been pretty young. the specific memory relates to being out at shops and my mum giving me a glittery picture of Mickey Mouse which fascinated me for ages. I couldnt have been much older than 3 I expect. Aside from that I cant remember much else before the age of 10.


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05 Jul 2009, 2:57 pm

actually, i've been wondering about this--most people don't seem to have very early childhood memories, so i wondered why i did.

i can remember lying in my crib at about 18 months old and looking at the pictures my mother put on the wall beside it. i remember sitting in a walker. i remember the bag of toys the dentist gave me when i was about two. i remember eating currents from the neighbor's current bushes.

i have really vivid memories of where we first lived--the house and the neighborhood, the people in it, who i played with, etc., and i was four when we moved.

punctuation... life is full of punctuation.


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05 Jul 2009, 3:13 pm

I remember being at a lake with my family. My sister who was about 2 months old was captured by a wave and was floating out into the lake. I can remember her body floating face down as my hysterical mother, a non swimmer, went running after her. We are just two years apart so I was just over two. I also remember being in my highchair crying because I was hungry or bored. Also when I was two and a half I was rushed to the hospital because I was very sick with pneumonia. My mom didn't believe that I could have remembered that until I provided details that she hadn't already told me.


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05 Jul 2009, 3:36 pm

I remember several things from my very early childhood, but I'm too lazy now to write them down.

Christians believe in The Holy Bible, Muslims believe in The Qur'aan and I believe in Mother Goose's Tale.