I heard this was a common aspie thing, so i'm curious how many people have trouble with this. I generally don't have a ton of sensory problems these days... I hate certain loud noises but i can usually tolerate them, and i can tolerate clothing very well that would have driven me crazy as a child. I guess that just having to deal with different situations in life could have de-sensitized me to all that stuff... But, something that no amount of being around people in public seems to help is my ability to actually hear what people are saying, especially with there's a bunch of background noise thrown in. I mean, i'm around it most days, but it still seems like i say "what?" and "huh?" about as much as a 90-year-old with a hearing impairment. But i'm definitely not hearing impaired, because i pick up a lot of sounds that other people don't seem to hear... but when there's other noise, everything just seems to blend together and i can't pick out the speech unless the person is really close to me and speaking very clearly. I hate it when a group of my co-workers is standing around talking about something, and then, to add to the fact that i'm already not very good at getting into a conversation, i can only pick out about half of what they're saying with the various other noises all around(other people talking, doors opening and closing, people moving things, it all runs together). And that's with people who, for the most part, speak very clearly. Add a person who has an accent i'm not used to or who doesn't clearly pronounce all the parts of words, and i have problems even when i'm talking to them one-on-one. It seems to start frustrating other people something, too.. I'm not sure if the voice raising i get sometimes is out of frustration/anger, just to help me hear them better, or both. I remember in school that i hated trying to talk to people in the lunch room. The most obvious problem was that i wasn't sure how to really get into a group and start socializing.. But barely being able to pick up 25% the words another person said to me over all the noise from everyone else talking was, i think, almost just as big of a factor. I never understood how, since my hearing was perfectly fine, i couldn't pick out what people were saying but everyone else seemed perfectly able to. I think that's the only reason i ever picked up whatever amount of body language i know how to recognize now(and i have a tendency to "talk with my hands," but more by pointing and sometimes even kind of feeling a picture in front of me to describe something than the way most people do it.. to make sure i'm understanding and being understood when words aren't all getting through. Because i can't hear them, and i have a tendency to talk too low for them to hear me well sometimes.. lol. yeah). The phone really sucks too. I've often got to plug my other ear to block out some noise, then if the connection isn't crystal clear or the person isn't a clear speaker, i'll be thinking that i think i at least heard the word "nintendo"... so, from my side the conversation it's pretty much going: "what? you want to know if we carry nintendo wiis?" "No?" "the DSes then?" "oh, so you wanted a game then? what game?" "Fan Tan? i've never heard of that game, are you sure you have the name right?" then eventually i get that what they said and it's "oh, you said a BEN 10 game, not Fan Tan. okay, that makes more sense." It just makes things very confusing. A little funny looking back sometimes, but confusing.