Don't be discouraged MBD, I know how you're feeling, but don't let one as*hole stop you (I should tell you about the as*hole creating havoc in my life right now - Oy Vey!). I completely get why you want the official stamp, that's precisely why I wanted it.
Give yourself a day or two to regain your equilibrium and make the call. The official diagnosis involves primarily a battery of tests, from the Multiphasic Personality crap, Rorshach inkblots, timed tests putting goofy puzzles together (I found that part very frustrating, because I could have done so much better if the Psychologist wasn't sitting there watching me, but I suppose that may have been the point). Anyway, what I'm saying is, it revolves around a pretty strict, standardized clinical procedure, not so much the tester's personal opinion, although I'm sure there will be some sort of interview process as well. I don't know about thousands of dollars, I went through a local non-profit public Mental Health clinic and it didn't cost me a thing. When I had insurance, weekly visits to the therapist involved a 35 dollar copay, now that I'm completely destitute, they don't charge me at all.
Regroup, recharge, keep moving forward. You'll be glad you did.