People are afraid of being intimate with themselves let alone OTHER people. If I admit I'm not the Mask I Wear, what if other people realize it! Oh no the house of cards is falling down! Well no, it really isn't, everybody already realizes you are not the Mask. The question is whether or not your Mask is Sincere. You don't need to reveal everything about yourself to everybody, you don't even know everything about your own self. What you do choose to reveal should always come from a place of honesty and sincerity inside of you. In order to be honest and sincere about your Self with others, you have to be honest and sincere about Self with Self. This can be Painful. Admitting to myself I was as much an abuser as I was abused was not pleasant. It was necessary to my growth and ability to continue being. I continue to be a less abusive person every day with every breath because I have a sincere desire to be so.
You are not the clothes you wear, you are not the car you drive, you are not the food you eat, you are not the part of you that you share with other people. You are a being that is. That is all you will ever be and you will only be it until you are no longer. Success and failure are artificial constructs. They only have meaning within the subjective containment of task completion. Life is not about doing the absolute best that could possibly be done, it is about being a sincere individual who puts in a motivated effort and sets reasonable goals that utilize ones abilities in a maximized fashion in pursuit of being a better individual tomorrow.
If you can only be 99% successful the failure is not in not being able to do that last 1%, it is in setting a goal you weren't able to accomplish in the end. Setting goals too high is not so different from setting goals too low. You want to set them just high enough to challenge yourself, but it should be an achievable challenge. You will grow stronger and be prepared for a greater challenge tomorrow. Accepting that you did good enough is essential.
There will always be another 1%. You start the project at one ability level and by the time you are nearing completion of a challenging project, you have a greater ability. You look back at the project with your new greater ability and say hey, I could now do this entire thing better. You scrap it and start over with a new more challenging plan you are now prepared for. You near the completion and working on this new challenge has again increased your ability, why you could do this EVEN BETTER! The cycle will go on until you burn out. You have to just accept the standards you set for yourself, meet them and move on.
A project can be a task at work, going on a date, meeting somebody new, shopping for a new water heater, picking out a couple books to read at the library, anything.