Does this sound like mild Aspergers?
Hey, I'm a 17 year old girl who has always been a little "different", which seems to be the main symtom of Aspergers. This may be long, but I want to give enough detail.
I never really connected with the kids I went to school with after pre-school, but that may have been because I was of a lower socio-economic status and wasn't raised from birth. As far as I know, I didn't show any of the delayed development associated with Aspergers, but I did have a huge vocabulary early on. I have some trouble socializing, especially when groups have been involved, but I have gotten better recently, maybe because I have been getting out more. I'm great at math and memorization, I rarely study and do well on tests. At parties, I feel left out unless someone starts a conversation with me and sometimes don't know what exactly I'm supposed to be doing. I say the wrong thing in conversations more than most people seem to. I'm not comfortable around people unless I know them very well, and I have made friends by "mimicking," as is common among Aspie girls. Another thing, I hate to be misunderstood and it pisses me off when I am, but I don't show alot of anger. I have an odd walk (not too weird, just a little), and my voice doesn't change tone when I talk much. Even though I'm fairly attractive, male peers usually ignore me for girls who are less attractive, but better socializers. I usually think of what I should have said a few minutes after a conversation ends. Unfortunately, plenty of stalker-type guys are in love with me.
However, I don't have any obsessions that are common in Aspies. I don't appear to lack empathy, even people who call me different or unique say that I'm very empathetic when talking about me (people can be creepy XD.) I have a morning routine like most people, but I don't get upset if it changes and I can improvise well. I don't really care about rules, and I get in trouble at school often, which is another reason my peers don't accept me, but at this point I don't care. Sometimes, I share too much information with people I don;t know well, but I see NT people doing that as well.
So, in your opinion, does this sound like Aspergers, or just some social trouble due to being ostracized by my peers from age 5 to now?
Edit: I forgot about eye contact issues... I have no trouble making or breaking eye contact, and I don't mind physical contact, in fact, I like it, and I don't think I touch people too often.
I'm really clumsy, but that may be different from poor coordination. I'm also double-jointed, which I've heard is a characteristic of Aspergers... Thanks for your help, y'all.
Last edited by clubpenguin on 03 Dec 2012, 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Asperger's is difficult to diagnose because it is really a sub category or area of the Autism spectrum. While there are definite common traits among those with autism, each person will experience life differently. It sounds like you suspect you might have Asperger's or are looking for an explanation as to why you might be "different" from others. A diagnosis can come as a relief to some, as was my experience.
While it sounds on the surface like you may have some traits consistent with Asperger's, you may want to seek professional help or opinions. Many different conditions show similar symptoms, and an experienced professional is really a great tool. They can help separate normal life experiences from something else. It sounds like you have some concerns, and if you feel you might benefit from a diagnosis, you might consider seeing a professional.
Hard to tell. You may have traits of it but not enough for a diagnoses or it could be something else. AS is more than just social issues. You didn't mention any stimming or poor coordination or sensory issues or if you have a hard time with body language or eye contact or reading social situations or social cues. Maybe under the new DSM, it be social communication disorder you have.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.