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22 Jan 2006, 1:00 am

Hi! I hope you fellow Planeteers are seeing a good start of a
new year. I would be interested to know how your year is
starting off.

I will use myself as a example......
1)...I just got approved for my ADA(American Disabilites Act)
approval on the DART(Disable ? Rapid Transport) system
here in Minnesota, Twin Cities.

2)...I got a OS X upgrade and have completed 2 tutorials
that I hope pryaxis can host soon! For your knowledge
to understand it's visual effects.

3)...I have 3 videos from 2005 to have her host for you.

4)...I have been formally hosted to a fan site for camera/
video hobbiests late December and 11 pieces there.

Clue: fanmade harry_potter is my link

and I am hoping that good things in other areas of my
life happen this year......

1)...I finished dismal job evaluation skills.

2)...I have been keeping target dates for
Dakota County services to provide a schooling
down here.

3)...Otherwise doing good.

I do hope Pryaxis host the current vids and later
the tutorial soon since it is hopefully a voice you
can understand from this alien creature called me.


1)...How was your holidays?
2)...How did your year start?
3)...How is school? job? and other things this year going?



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22 Jan 2006, 1:15 am

Ghosthunter wrote:
1)...How was your holidays?
2)...How did your year start?
3)...How is school? job? and other things this year going?

Great to see you're still around. Hopefully you'll be able to get a job. The M/SP area is probably the best place you can be at the moment.

My holiday was so-so. It's the same thing every year, get together with family, stuff face with food and chit chat like it's the end of the world.

In 7 days I resume school for the spring semester. I've been spending every tuesday afternoon with the aspies in town from the ASL/ASW support group. It's been the best time I've had in long time, which is going to make it all the more difficult for me to get back to oshkosh for the spring semester.

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...


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22 Jan 2006, 1:18 am

it's been kewl. Gracias.


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22 Jan 2006, 1:06 pm


My holidays were good. I enjoyed a trip to a resort with my children and extended family whilst GH watched my dog, cats, and rats.

The year is going well at work. I have mixed feelings about work. Its a decent job but it doesn't feed my soul anymore. I'd like to change but maybe its best to keep this one while until my childred are older. I probably wouldn't be able to find another one with as much flexibility in schedule.



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22 Jan 2006, 1:22 pm

Hi, Ghosthunter!

I'm glad to hear from you! I haven't heard from you in a while!

My Christmas when terribly, and my New Year's was terrible as well. However, school is going much better for me.

Jason Larsen
[email protected]


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22 Jan 2006, 6:51 pm

Ghosthunter wrote:

1)...I finished dismal job evaluation skills.

2)...I have been keeping target dates for
Dakota County services to provide a schooling
down here.

3)...Otherwise doing good.

How did these go for you, and what were the results?

Ghosthunter wrote:

1)...How was your holidays?
2)...How did your year start?
3)...How is school? job? and other things this year going?


I'm still alive and kicking, that's about all that I can say about the holidays and new year.

When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!


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22 Jan 2006, 9:06 pm

Holidays: Well, I I almost always do. Not real eventful. Made a friend's Christrmas with some of the LPs he'd been wanting.

Year started out OK, except for the cold I'm just now over. Spent NY Eve with someone kinda special, and...

Got a job. Bus driver - paratransit. Not remotely what I wanted, but it's full-time with benefits coming...and plenty of overtime (makes up for the pay) and some real nice co-workers. Can't wait to go full-time in my chosen field, and the search is underway as I speak. Good vibes all around, though...