Crassus wrote:
Intuition is inductive reasoning. Logic is deductive reasoning. Just because you are an Introvert, doesn't mean you never extravert from bed.
David Hume and Karl Popper proved that there is no such thing as "inductive reasoning, and it certainly has nothing to do with intuition. Hume showed that induction could not be logically justified and Popper showed that induction doesn't exist period, science begins in hypotheses and observations are used as a way to try to falsify the hypothesis. In fact, the myth of induction, the notion that science starts with concrete observations that are abstracted into hypotheses, is in large part the source of the nonsensical notion that Science and Intuition are at odds with each other, an notion pushed by New Agers, Religious Fundamentalists, and certain irrationalist philosophers in order to beat science with stick. The flaw in that notion is that the ideas that form the basis of the falsifiable hypotheses that are the basis of science are often more than not flashes of intuitive insight, Archimedes' "Eureka" moment being the classic example.