bhetti wrote:
why does your mom want to make you live somewhere else when you're recovering from Lyme disease?
I keep asking her the same thing. I tell her she's getting ahead of herself. But she retorts that she's not getting ahead of herself and goes all pessimistic and says I should try to be on my own before it's all finished because 'what if you never get better?' She's been pushing this because I'm 36 years old and she is anxious to get me out of the house not just on the basis of it seems 'wrong' for a person that old to still be living with parents but also the following:
-she can't stand the state of my room. Well it must be a mess, right? There are quite a few things on display, but overall this room is not a mess. It's merely 'cluttered', not messy. She's a bit OCD with 'tidyness' and she pesters me endlessly to 'tidy' my room. However she does not like doing this even though she feels compelled to do so. SO she thinks me living somewhere else will prevent her from doing that. BTW her using the word 'tidy' drives me crazy.
-she nags me about my weight constantly. I am 5'7, hovering around 235-240 pounds. She thinks I should weigh myself every day, and will criticize me if I eat french fries...which I eat very rarely! Or anything made of potato, which I also do not eat often. I mostly hate bread and will not eat it, though I will eat buns if they are not whole wheat (which tastes bitter and gross to me). I am this heavy because I drank a lot of ginger ale to settle my stomach over the years and could not exercise.
-she constantly nags me about my future and that I should think about it. Well I do, but my AS brain can't go anywhere with that because the Lyme is inhibiting some of my thinking functions and memory. She suggests I take a course but I can't figure out which one I want to take. I HATE schoolwork so the prospect of more schoolwork is very unappealing.
So this is why she brings up group homes. I don't think she realizes how much they cost...or whether they are in fact suitable for my needs. Ironically, even though I'm here at my parents' place and paying rent, she insists I must do things like clean up the kitchen. And I'm the ONLY one that knows how to 'fix' the TV if she's turned it off wrong (like accidentally turned the Cable box off but not the TV...or vice versa...or if they get Blue Screen of Death after watching a DVD or Video). And I do a fair amount of the cooking, although if I do that I can't clean up right away. She cannot stand a "dirty" kitchen...if one bowl is left out of the dishwasher because there's no room she frets about it being out. I can't stand loading the dishwasher while she's around because she'll "correct" my placement of things. Or she'll pull something out and put something else in. It's at that point I throw up my hands and retreat to my room.