makuranososhi wrote:
Something needs an proper Western name for something that existed previous for it to have a culture? Disagree, fully. Something doesn't have to be identified for the effect to be felt, for those who are affected to react differently and have an altered perspective as compared to their counterparts. A name only allows for clarification and distinction, not origination.
A formal definition provides a rallying point for the promotion of culture, it is true. However, having a "culture" involves sharing experiences around some sort of locally accepted definition that members of the culture have in common. It has nothing to do directly with being affected differently than everyone else in the world.
It's possible that groups of people on the spectrum
did get together to talk about how they were different than the rest of the world, and perhaps they did this at Star Trek conventions.
However, the culture they most likely identified with was that of Star Trek,
not how they felt that their brains were wired differently. Even if they had done so, what you would have had were a bunch of disjointed, localized cultures about AS. You can apply the word "culture" to it, but that's sort of like saying that my friends and I discussing our experiences at a local farmer's market is an example of "farmer's market culture."
Then again, it's possible we're talking about different meanings of the word "culture." In
Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions (Kroeber, A. L. and C. Kluckhohn, 1952), the authors compiled a list of 164 different definitions of the word "culture" (research done through Wikipedia).
I do agree that a culture
can exist without a formal, society-accepted definition. Take the "energy vampire" culture, for instance. There are people in the world that believe they have energy maintenance problems and can get energy "fixes" from various external sources. Having an online forum where they can go to share common experiences and issues is certainly a culture. WP is certainly a culture. Is it necessarily "Aspie culture"? I don't know.
I think I've talked in circles and confused myself...
"That leap of logic should have broken his legs." - Janissy