It was not me.
One, there are exemptions for small engines, 2 Cycle, dirty, loud, cheap, just like the market they are directed to.
All larger bikes have had to meet emissions standards just like cars, computers, catalitic converters.
My sound issue is lawn mowers and leaf blowers, all of my neighbors. Lawn mowers are dirty and loud on purpose, so they sound powerful, they can be made silent, but those do not sell.
Harley is a cult. Loud pipes do save lives. I have had drivers pull out and stop, blocking the road, because I should not have been on "their" road on "that thing!" I have had them cross the center line and come right at me, to run me off in the ditch and kill me.
To tell if my bike is running, I have to touch it. The silent superbikes. It does stay upright in the ditch at sixty, and coming out makes a u turn and hits 100, trailing that car driver till they run, and running them till they crash. They cannot go home, or to the police, or stop. They just tried to murder a stranger for being on two wheels.
I favor small, light, silent transportation. Fuel cells work, but we still have the SUV phone talking, cage drivers, I am bigger, and you die, and it was your own fault. So we carry road junk, lug nuts, from the big rigs.
It is projection, he was on a motorcycle, so I killed him?
I would like real laws about small bikes, clean and silent. some respect from other drivers, to stay alive, to not be targeted like a snake in the road, and for all drivers and passengers, to wear helments, for head injuries happen in cars just as much. There is an equal reason that all should wear helments, but this is not about reason and equality, is it?
Big bikes are no place to learn, never rode, bought huge machine, died. Several years under 250 cc is the only training that works.
Oil hit $96, It costs $120 to fill up an SUV, how long do you think this can last?
Oil was $13, gas $1, SUVs flood the market, oil at $96 means gas should be $8, how could it be $3? At $8 an SUV takes $340.
Suprises are coming.
For the future, small personal transport, clean, long lasting, has to be. Is there a reason that low powered venicles are made so badly, and allowed to be sold? Electric burns coal, then wastes half the power charging batteries. It is a dirty technology. The government seems to be blocking fuel cells, the best work is done by Ballard Power in Canada. They have a city bus that is perfect, silent, emits water, lasts with little upkeep. They have a car size that is fuel cell, to three phase motor.
Converting to solar electric, clean, reducing ocean water to Hydrogen and Oxygen, then recombining them and making pure water, would pollute the world with clean water.
As a gram of water changes from liquid, as it comes out of a fuel cell, to vapor, it takes up 545 calories of heat in the phase change. It would cool cities.
I support all noise reduction, buy a BMW.