PlatedDrake wrote:
(have to turn my eyes away when im talking to someone from time to time).
Don't worry - I've seen at least one description of normal conversation which says that the speaker only needs to look at the listener's face occasionally while they're's done when they begin to speak, and at the end, and (ideally) whenever they're saying anything that might be particularly difficult to take on board. The rest of the time you can look away. The downside is that the listener is supposed to gaze more or less constantly at the speaker's face.....though possibly it's enough to just make sure your're more or less facing them, without actually having to stare into their eyeballs - then the speaker can still pick up your facial cues, if you're transmitting any. If not, it probably helps to nod every time you've digested the little bit they've just said, just so they get the message "yes I hear you."
I don't know what my most difficult issue is. There are many of those. Probably my inability to shift focus rapidly.....that seems to be the main thing that limits my social life and possibly it's also the root of my executive disfunction. My social intelligence seems to be at least comparable with that of the general population, and in some ways I can appear more perceptive than they are, but it's slow. I can't fault my general intelligence, but if only I could hold the big picture in mind while I'm focussing on the details, I'm sure I'd be better organised and wouldn't keep disappearing down the tunnel of high focus and scaring myself half to death in the process.
Last edited by ToughDiamond on 24 Feb 2010, 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.