Greentea wrote:
Acacia, everything happens as it should? You mean, when the powers that be make something happen for their own benefit and your detriment, you consider it to be the way things should be? So you're a supporter of the hierarchical system of society..?
No. I mean this in a philosophical, universal sense. Every time that I feel like life sucks and I hate everyone, and I can't go on... I realize, oh yeah, everything is happening as it should, for whatever reason. I may be suffering, but apparently I need to learn a lesson in this way. It's not how I ideally imagined things, but that's how it is. I work to change what I can, but don't worry unduly about the things that remain out of my control, like the will of governments. I make the best of what I have. This philosophy seems to be what has kept me "afloat" after so many things in life always seem to try and keep me down. I take a step back and watch the universe course through its systematic functions. I am the god-consciousness, outside of it all, yet a part of it all.
make sense?