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25 Jan 2006, 1:39 pm

(January 23rd 2006) Steven (Me), and George Lucas

Hey George! It is good that you have come today. Was really nervous, but now that we are seated together, I think I can keep my cool for now. So how are things? Any new projects?

Definatly some new projects, Steven. And yes, it is good to be here, thank you. As you might know I am working on Indiana Jones 4. We just got done writing the script, and now we are looking for casting.

I'm excited for that! Is Harrison Ford still going to be playing, or will you cast someone else for the main role?

I wouldn't dream of casting anyone else but Harrison. He's an amazing guy, and no one else would live up to the role.

That is great. I think you are right, now one else is fit for the role of Indiana Jones. Is there anything you can tell us about the movie plot?

The plot is going to focus more on Indiana and his son working together in an all new adventure. Since Indiana is tired of going on so many adventures, he will be looking to his son for a lot more help. He has been busy training his son in doing karate, ninjitsu, and some other pretty 'cool' things. The fans are going to love it.

So what can you tell us about the upcoming Star Wars television series? What are they going to feature?

I'm glad you asked that Steven. The first is going to come out in October of next year! It is going to be based around the events that happened after the Revenge of the Sith movie, and it is going to be much like Star Wars Clone Wars was. It will be animated, and we are hoping it again will be first featured on Cartoon Network. The main characters are going to be Threepio and Artoo, and we will follow them through a lot of the things that happened to them. And... the second series isn't going to be animated, and will first air on February 2008. It will be live-action. I'm really looking forward into delving into them, it is going to be very fun.

What will the live-action one be about mostly?

Hopefully we will be able to tell Boba Fett's story after surviving the Sarlaac Pit. He'll be a lot more grim and mission-driven toward hunting down the people that doublecrossed him. That means that Han Solo will probably be his main target, and maybe Lando Calrissian. As far as recasting them, I think we will have Brad Pitt as Han Solo and Will Smith as Lando.

Who do you think should play Leia in the live-action series? Carey Fisher would be MUCH too old for the part!

Yeah, that is the main problem we are facing; the original cast are either diminished in their acting abilities or are just too old for the parts they used to play. But LucasArts legal board has talked to Angelina Jolie about playing the part of Leia Organa Solo.

I love Angelina... she would be perfect for Leia.

I think so too, Steven. I was the one who suggested her for the part. Angelina and I are actually close friends. Sometimes she comes to me for advise, especially when they were filming 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'. She really is a sweet woman.

Well, George, hopefully we can meet back up in a few days for another interview. This has been an amazing experience, and I can't wait to meet you again very soon.

This interview has been nice. Short and sweet, just the way I like them. Yes, I'm looking forward to meeting again later this week. Have a nice day, everyone!

Bye everyone!


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25 Jan 2006, 1:42 pm

(January 25th 2006)

We are back for another interview, with creator of all of Star Wars. George, how have the last few days been for you?

I've had a good week so far, thanks for asking.

I think we have all been looking forward to hearing more from you, George. Are you pumped up to answer some question submitted by fans?

Answering fan mail is a hobby of mine. I have gotten used to it a little.

Alright, here is our first letter. Paul (age 26) writes: Does GL envision a return of flannel shirts as serious business attire again?

[George chuckles and reaches for his cup of coffee] How am I supposed to answer that? Well, flannel shirts have always been my own personal fashion. They were sort of my trademark of kinds. But sure, if Paul wants more pictures of me in flannel shirts, all he needs to do is let me know his mailing address and I'll be glad to send him some pictures.

Here is our second letter. Sandra (age 19) writes: Is there going to be more Star Wars movies or not?

My answer to that will have to be a big "maybe". Maybe. Of course I already have written the scripts for them back in the late 90's. So if we do decide to start filming a sequal trilogy after Indiana Jones 4, we are all set to do so. I sent Steven here the scripts to post on his personal website, if anyone wants to go read them. That is a question I get asked a lot and I have to be prepared to answer it. It's too early to say yes or no, so we can be safe with saying "maybe".

Mike (age 21) writes: When you make more Star Wars movies will you have anything about the Yuuzhan Vong?

As of right now the movie scripts have nothing about the Yuuzhan Vong. If I get enough personal fan mail asking for them I might consider adding the Yuuzhan invasion to Episode 7. But right now if we were to start filming the movies, we wouldn't do the invasion. It would cost a lot of money, time, and it would take a lot of effort. If I find out that the Yuuzhan are popular enough amongst the fans I maybe will put them in.

Karla (age 17) writes: What inspired you to create Star Wars?

I get asked that question most out of any of the questions I am asked. My answer is simple but there are some complications to it. I needed money because I was practically poor at the time. So I wanted to make a movie that would be a unique mix of netherworld sci-fi with a light sprinkle of fantasy, too. I really drew from many tales and legends from history as is apparent. Example of this would be how the Lord of the Rings and Star Trek inspired the old trilogy. I wanted the prequal trilogy to be a slight mix of Harry Potter and the Dune series. You could say that all authors and writers before me inspired me to create the beautiful thing that Star Wars is today.

Rob (age 14) writes: How many Star Wars collectables do you have?

I have walls and walls covered in Star Wars things. As a matter of a fact, one of my mansions is a second "storage" place for my collectables aside from Skywalker Ranch itself. In all honesty, millions and millions of Star Wars collectables are in my posession. While it is mainly because I am the creator of Star Wars, it is also because I do like to collect things. It would be a shame if I didn't step up and help the fans out. I would not really be a group player if I didn't collect my own Star Wars action figures, or posters, or electronic toys. Collecting is a fun hobby, and I hope that everyone someday decides to collect something they are interested in.

Well George, we'll put aside the fan letters for now. I wanted to ask you some questions I personally had. This has been bugging me for weeks but I have gathered enough nerve to ask it. Was it your intention all along to have Darth Vader as Luke's father, and Leia as Luke's twin sister? If so, then why did you have Leia kiss Luke in the Empire Strikes Back?

Those were my intentions all along. I knew what was going to happen, and it was a strategy to make fans think that I was making things up as I went along. That is one of the things that is so great about Star Wars! You are never left without a new surprise. One of the reasons Leia kissed Luke, is because Carrie Fisher asked if it was alright to do so. She thought it would be funny. Mark Hamill and Carrie were dating at the time and they were really close. So I did nothing to stop them from it. I didn't want to discourage their relationship so I let it happen. Don't you think that is ironic? I knew they were twins all along. The kiss makes the irony all that much more powerful. I really enjoyed making Empire Strikes Back.

Thanks for clearing that up, George. We can go ahead and read one more fan letter before the interview is over. Jack (age 26) writes: Are you going to keep releasing new editions of the saga?

I think a few more editions before I die wouldn't hurt anything. New generations are coming forth into the fandom and we have to try to keep things fresh. In 2009, LucasArts is planning an ultra-pack, with all six movies, with customized changes. Every step we take brings us closer to what I originally invisioned. And I want to share my vision with others. I don't want to keep it all to myself. It is my job as creator and producer of Star Wars to give the fans what they deserve. The fans deserve a crisp and clear interpretation of what I originally pictured the saga to be inside of my mind.

This interview has been great! Thanks for joining us George,and we will meet again on Saturday to discuss more things!

I really enjoy answering fan mail. This has been fun. See you on Saturday!


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25 Jan 2006, 2:21 pm


Come on people. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and read this interview.

It is a rare thing to hear from George Lucas. Take your mind off of Ass-burgars for a while.


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25 Jan 2006, 2:58 pm

These Interviews were very fun to read. I'm a big Star Wars fan. :D


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25 Jan 2006, 3:02 pm

you should have asked him about aspergers! Can you talk to him again?

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:


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25 Jan 2006, 3:45 pm

actually, I don't really think that you did talk to him now. DId you make this all up?????

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:


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25 Jan 2006, 3:56 pm

alex wrote:
actually, I don't really think that you did talk to him now. DId you make this all up?????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a good sport, Alex.


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26 Jan 2006, 12:11 pm

These interviews are real. I feel sorry for anyone who cannot see the light of truth... this my friends is truth. It is not a lie. You all can believe whichever you want... but if you want to believe in truth, then you might want to believe in these interviews. My friends, they are true.

This upcoming Saturday I will ask him about AS to see if he knows about it. Then you shall see... that this is truth. The light of truth.