AceOfSpades wrote:
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
That phrase is nothing but denial. First off, attraction isn't a choice. Secondly, yes there are little preferences, but it's generally the same. Men like big asses, big tits, and a cute face.
I understand where you're coming from with the whole being annoyed by phrases. Things like that typically bother me as well. While I have opinions on the other ones I am only going to express my opinion on this one specifically.
Why would this phrase be denial? Plus, there is more than just attraction applied to this. It can be for things like art, or other things in life that somebody might call beautiful. Further more, I am a male and I find many things about a woman attractive, different sizes and shapes. Each have their pros and cons, and it's not limited to just "big tits" and "big asses" and a "cute face".
You are right that attraction isn't a choice, but have you ever experienced a change in what you find attractive? As I get older I find more and more things attractive about women. I've also learned that women I previously found unattractive have became very attractive after having known them for a short while. I think it is a truly wonderful thing to be able to appreciate so much about women, and to learn to appreciate the beauty in a woman you didn't see before.
Beauty really IS in the eye of the beholder. I suppose you think the idea of "opinion" is a cop out on the difference between fact and opinion, right? Example..
You: this music sucks
Guy: that is a matter of opinion
You: opinion is just a cop out, you make my blood boil!! !
Permanently inane.