I got 42. Yes I have been diagnosed.
Symptoms, copied from another thread:
Difficulty imagining and understanding other people's points of view/personality quirks/etc. (I just don't get other people)
Difficulty imagining future situations (I can never predict what's going to happen next - socially speaking, but sometimes in other ways too)
Difficulty imagining more than one possible outcome or course of action (and therefore rigid in routines, difficulty with change, etc.)
Tend to forget that people are not just objects with movable parts
Don't understand body language
Limited understanding of facial expressions and tone of voice
Don't like eye contact
Somewhat pedantic speech
Don't initiate conversation
Difficulty choosing appropriate topics or comments for conversation (I make a LOT of faux pas)
Don't see the point in conversation
Dislike talking
Dislike being around people
Come across as cold and distant
Happy being alone
Can't filter out visuals (ie get overloaded by bright/busy scenes. Also hate white walls and crater-like objects)
Overloaded by conversation and crowds
Can't focus on more than one thing at a time
Can't cope with many different sounds occuring at once or with loud, sudden sounds
Have meltdowns when too much is going on (screaming, crying, self-harming)
Retreat into own world a lot (and prefer own world to reality) to cope with strains of outside world
That's all I can think of at present. Actually it's probably pretty comprehensive.