How easily you are startled
-Very easily. I'm hyper-vigilant, yet still easily taken by surprise.
How startled you become
-Depends. Sometimes it doesn't show externally but I felt startled. If I don't have time to re-evaluate or dampen my response, then it's visible/audible.
How long you remain shaken after being startled
-From half a minute to a few hours.
Example 1: In college, dorm lounge room (lights were off and it was dark) bunch of us students watched a scary movie on tv. After really scary part (before ad break) someone yelled very loudly & suddenly in my ear, intending only to frighten me & have a laugh w/group. I screamed (fear reflex), ran off to my room, locked door & cried for like an hour. Friend came by to apologize & said he didn't realize I'd get so upset, that he really was sorry. That was both socially embarrassing & physically terrifying for me.
Example 2: This happens often now, but isn't a big problem. My partner will come into room and I won't realize until he's right in front of me or I suddenly notice. I might gasp or shudder or say something, at least I recover quickly from those occasions because I know he's not a threat. At first he was concerned by my jumpiness, but has gotten more used to how I am, it's not personal.
Dunno' how this aspect of my life fits in w/above. Just leaving the house/being in public is confrontational for me, and it takes hours for me to "come down" or "perk up" after only a couple hours of errands/shopping. Startled CONSTANTLY when amidst the world outside, meds didn't help my ever-present anxiety & uneasiness. Cognitive appraisal of threat level doesn't lead to negating of emotional/physical reaction, not the sort who can convincingly talk myself out of my feelings. Can look at situation much later, but not in the moment when it's unfolding.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*