This seems to be a decent description (from the site):
What is Asperger Syndrome?
Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a neurobiological condition of great variability, considered to be part of the Autism Spectrum, which has a current prevalence rate of 1 in 166 people. Individuals with other conditions on the Autism Spectrum, such as Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified and Autism, share many of the social and behavioral challenges found in Asperger Syndrome. Current scientific evidence suggests that all of these conditions are closely related.
Individuals with Asperger Syndrome have average to above average cognitive abilities, yet are challenged by a wide array of social, sensory, and communication issues. They may exhibit some of these typical characteristics:
* Few if any peer relationships, often despite a genuine desire to fit in
* Socially inappropriate behaviors
* Difficulty with eye contact
* Poor use and appreciation of body language
* Lack of ability to interpret the non-verbal "cues" that are so much a part of conversation and social interaction
* Difficulty comprehending feelings of others, but appropriate level of compassion when made aware
Behavior and Thought
* Repetitive or perseverative behaviors or thoughts
* Broad range of skills and abilities that may be widely disparate
* Vast stores of factual information but lesser ability to integrate details into abstract
* Obsessive interests, sometimes to the exclusion of other activities
* Difficulty generating spontaneous solutions to situations that arise
* Unconventional thinking and problem-solving styles
* Unusual speech patterns, including unusual voice characteristics, inappropriate volume or tonality, formal pedantic style, or use of irrelevant remarks
* Trouble maintaining reciprocity in conversations
* Overly literal, difficulty with sarcasm and idioms
* Exceptional verbal abilities that often mislead others into assuming more competence than actually exists
Associated characteristics
* Physical clumsiness or lack of spatial awareness
* Difficulty modulating or regulating behaviors and emotions
* Organizational skills deficits
* Co-occurrence of attention, anxiety, and/or mood problems
* Sensory (sounds, light, tastes, touch, odors, pain) sensitivities or processing difficulties
* Poor academic performance, despite demonstrated cognitive skills
* Poor daily living skills, in spite of obvious intellectual abilities
* Difficulty gaining and maintaining employment
* Isolated and/or overly dependent adulthood
On the other hand, people with Asperger Syndrome can be…
* Extremely honest, trustworthy, and committed to their principles
* Straightforward and logical
* Detail-oriented, with an exceptional memory for facts and figures
* Willing and able to devote extraordinary amounts of time and energy to unique and sometimes very important areas of knowledge and effort
* Loyal friends and employees
* Dependable workers if given the opportunity to utilize their talents