Well I know it doesnt count, but unlike pretty much anybody I run into I have some pretty detailed memories that are really early in life, like 2-3 years old. I can draw to this day over 20 years later the pattern I saw at that age on the kitchen floor, I can recall being in the crib and having stuffed animals and all, I can look around the room, recall where the sun shined on the walls, I just highly doubt most people can recall such detail at such a young age.
To test because I thought years ago these memories were fake or made up in my head I asked my parents, indeed I did have the stuffed animal I though I had in my crib, they were pretty shocked I recalled that. I know these memories are real, its just difficult or even impossible proving that they are. Then again the only person who these memories really mean something to on earth is myself. So its not 'savant' I dont think just cause I have a video or photo in my mind of when I was a toddler, but if someone walked into my old house, saw the patterns and then tested me on them 20 years later I am willing to bet I can re-draw them with incredible accuracy.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.