I've always been told by so many people "well, first you have childhood, then come your teens and college years--those're the best years of your life--then after that ya get a job, settle down, and have a family"
What I always tried to get an explanation about was: "why is that the best time of one's life? what about the working part?"
Then I hear people telling me how much they hate their jobs, but do it cause it supports their families. They just preferred the college years of drinking, drugs, and ambiguous sex.
So here's what I got from that: Basically, they like childhood-early '20s, because it's the age of little responsibility, and then it's off to do an office job to support family until retirement. During those "terrible" years, basically you hang around the water cooler and b***h about the economy, politics, religion, or who's having an affair, then look good to the rest of your family while you continue to hate your life, until you either have a mental breakdown and pursue some cult, or finally retire and tell yourself you've lived a good life when it's completely blown.
to quote Billy Joel "good luck movin' up cause I'm movin' out"
For me, childhood-early '20s was a joke, and if that was supposed to be the high point of my life, what was the point of continuing it?
Then I started asking more questions like "why do you have to get a job you don't like? what's really the point to all that? why not do something you love to do? why get married to someone you despise, just to look good to other people?"
And one thing I'd tell people was "I never look good to other people, so why should I honestly care now?"
Thanks to asking all those "hows" and "whys", my life is a thousand times better than it ever was before, and I can see my life beginning to catapult to intense happiness and success in the next few years.
Ya know..most of those folks I know who are NTs handle the stress and dread of their lives by downing 'em with smoking, drugs, and drinking.
I'm Autistic; I have twice the stress of an NT..yet I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs; I'm always mentally focused on something--or as it would be, a million things--and I like to deal with my problems head on. I also have a relaxation CD my girlfriend gave me, and it works wonders.