To me, an NT, cliches are not irritating nor fake. They are, as Janissy says, an ideal - and we know that they are not necessarily true, but rather something to wish for or something we strive to achieve. As a linguist, I often find the language of cliches to be poetic, beautiful and catching. Use of cliches is not in itself a sign of shallowness or lower intelligence. It can tell people that you know and understand that language and communication is meaningful on many levels. I would also like to say that smalltalk in general, to most NTs, is part of a meaningful interaction where much unspoken information is conveyed and understood. It is not something NTs do just for the lack of having something more interesting to talk about, because we want to impress our interlocutors or because we desperately need the approval of others. It helps people to get to know each other in a polite, gentle and considerate way. It may sometimes test our patience as not all smalltalk is equally entertaining, but we do it anyway. This form of communication may be meaningful on a deeper level.
I am surprised at the negativity many aspies express about NTs, saying that NTs are less intelligent, shallow and fake. There will of course always be rude bullies in almost any social setting. They are not so because they are NTs, but because they are rude bullies. Such people exist among NTs and aspies alike. Simple as that. I don't get how the "aspies are intelligent, NTs are stupid"-attitude will help us gain a better understanding of each other.