LipstickKiller wrote:
funny enough the one thing that's missing from my autistic son's vocabulary is the question "why?". come to think of it he never asks "how" either, just what, when and who....
My AS son is 11 now. He began talking at the usual time, but his language development was a little odd. He acquired several new words a day, like, "porthole" and "radiator", until he had about 300 words at the age of 1.5. Then he started talking in sentences. He talked about the world around him, and was clearly interested in things, but he didn't use any questions like "Why, Where, How, What, When?" We didn't know he was autistic; at that time we thought autism was a kid silently rocking in a corner, so that never even came up. We just thought we got lucky in that our kid didn't drive us nuts with the same unanswerable question over and over. He just observed things and talked about them.
I also remember that my "How to be a Parent" books said that by a certain age (1.5 to 2) he should be understanding what "No" means. I tried to think if he understood "no", and I couldn't answer that, because I had never had to tell him "no." He never tried to touch the stove, or grab something from me, or any of the typical toddler stuff. He was a fascinating and brilliant kid, though, so it never occurred to us to be worried. (Well, until he turned 3, and suddenly developed what we believe is childhood-onset bipolar; then all he** broke loose.)