Nightrain wrote:
My mother thinks I have ADD as well as Asperger's. I keep telling her it's Asperger's I have and not ADD since I can pay attention as well as any person but she is still insisting on what that stupid phsycologist told her.(the phsycologist also told her you can desensitize people if you catch it early enough) I don't think you can have Asperger's and ADD at the same time can you?
ADD doesn't exist... it's called ADHD even though it's not hyperactive... dunno why.
Clinically, you can't have ADHD and Aspergers together. It's in the DSM.
Realistically though, people are diagnosed with them together all the time - and they're apparently changing it for DSM V.
Sometimes AS masquerades as ADHD and sometimes it's a real and complete condition. In any case, if you've got aspergers, it follows that you will show some ADHD traits regardless of whether or not you actually have ADHD.