That just because we are smart, doesn't mean we don't need help in school or accomidations.
That just because we sometimes talk to you doesn't mean we are social.
That we (for the most part) are very trusting, so please be nice.
That just because I don't look at you doesn't mean I don't see you or what you are doing.
That just because I prefer to have down time and to be alone doesn't mean I don't want a friend.
I may say something that is either silly to you or you consider inappropriate, I may not even know or realize how it sounded or even that I may have hurt you, If you are my friend please talk to me about it, so I can try not to do it again.
That I am still a person, even though I have AS. As is just part of me and you can treat me like other people, not some lesser person.
I research therefore, I am.
Just call me "Miss Communication"