Does anyone hate when random, unexpected "plans" pop up? For instance, last night, my mom told me that we were invited to a BBQ across the street for today. She didn't give me enough time to mentally prepare myself or anything like that. I usually need to be told either at least the morning of, or two nights before, that something is going to happen. Additionally, this messes up my routine a lot when I am expected to do something that is outside my comfort zone. Does anyone relate to this?
Oddly, not so much. As a kid, I couldn't cope with anything unexpected or spontaneous, but now I thrive in random situations. I just keep a level head and don't think about it so I don't have a "meltdown" (very rare for me these days). Now, I can be told ten minutes in advance that I've got a new job, or I have to visit my family (which I hate

The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger
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