Oh, yeah. When I moved to a small town in Northern California, I knew that I would be noticed, and prepared myself to be pronounced the village idiot. Things didn't quite turn out that way. I became involved by volunteering, and much of the service I donated involved writing.
Over these past seven years, I've earned a reputation for my ability to put things to words. Just this year I've rewritten correspondences to sharpen the focus and composed a grant proposal. Last night I wrote a letter to the editor. I don't go much for long pieces anymore, unless you count my wordspray on this forum.
Many years ago I wrote the first 10,000 words of a novel. It dug deeply into me, took me places I wasn't ready to go, and I ended up in a mental hospital. It was the first step in the journey that took me to where I am now. Asperland.
Here in my small town, they call me Wordsmith. Beats Idiot by a long shot.
Formerly Bipolar